52 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Relationship between Psychology and Psychiatry” for Psychiatry Post Graduate Students:
1. The ability to focus a mater in hand is called:
A. Memory
B. Attention
C. Concentration
D. Perception
2. Awareness of self and environment is called:
A. Consciousness
B. Perception
C. Thinking
D. Attention
3. The ability to maintain the focus a matter in hand is called:
A. Concentration
B. Attention
C. Perception
D. Thinking
4. The process of attaching a meaning to a sensation is called:
A. Perception
B. Attention
C. Concentration
D. Thinking
5. The changing and recognizing the information stored in memory in order to create a new information is:
A. Thinking
B. Concentration
C. Perception
D. Memory
6. The process of recalling back of learned material into introspective consciousness is:
A. Memory
B. Thinking
C. Perception
D. Attention
7. The capacity to learn to utilize appropriately what one has learned is called (Global capacity of a person to think rationally and to act effectively at appropriate situations):
A. Intelligence
B. Memory
C. Thinking
D. Learning
8. The set of characteristics that defines the behaviour, thoughts and emotions of an individual is called (enduring and pervasive):
A. Personality
B. Trait
C. Conduct
9. A relatively permanent change in behaviour that results from experience is called:
A. Learning
B. Memory
C. Personality
10. The misinterpretation of sensory stimulus is:
A. Illusion
B. Hallucination
C. Delusion
11. The type of body build-asthenic or leptosomatic, pyknic, and athletic type was described by:
A. Kretschmer
B. Sheldon
C. Eysenk
D. Catell
12. The classification of endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy was described by:
A. Sheldon
B. Kretschmer
C. Carl Jung
D. Catell
13. Type-A, B personality was described by:
A. Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenmao
B. Eysenk
C. Carl Jung
D. Catell
14. The dimension of personality-introvert and extrovert was described by:
A. Carl Jung
B. Eysenk
C. Carl Rogers
D. Sheldon
15. 16 personality factor is developed by:
A. Raymond catell
B. Carl Jung
C. Eysenk
D. Allport
16. Two dimensions of personality-stability/neuroticism and extroversion/introversion was developed by:
A. Hans Eysenk
B. Raymond B Catell
C. Allport
D. Carl Jung
17. The one who is the most famous for his pioneering work on traits:
A. Gordon W Allport
B. Hans Eysenk
C. Catell
D. Carl Jung
18. The following concepts were introduced by Piaget:
A. Schemas
B. Assimilation
C. Accommodation
D. Regression
19. The following are Piaget’s stage of cognitive development:
A. Sensorimotor – Birth to 2 years
B. Preoperational – 2 to 6 years
C. Concrete operational – 6 to 12 years
D. Formal operational – 12 years to adulthood
E. Language development – 2 to 3 years
20. John Bowlby described a characteristic sequence of events of separation experience of children from their mother:
A. Stage of protest, despair, and detachment
B. Stage of despair, protest, detachment
C. Stage of detachment, protest, despair
21. The relatively simple mental structure is called as:
A. Schema
B. Assimilation
C. Accommodation
22. Trying to fit our world into our scheme is:
A. Accommodation
B. Assimilation
C. Conservation
23. Changing of our scheme is to fit the characteristics of the world:
A. Accommodation
B. Assimilation
C. Conservation
24. The following intelligence tests are verbal tests:
A. Wechsler adult intelligence scale (WAIS)
B. Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WISC)
C. Wechsler preschool and primary scale of intelligence (WPPSI)
D. Benton visual retention test
25. Stanford-Binet test is used to assess intelligence in the age group of:
A. 0 to 2 years
B. 2 to 60 years
C. 2 years to Adult
26. The part of the personality which works on pleasure principle is:
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Superego
27. The one which is in contact with reality is:
A. Ego
B. Id
C. Superego
28. The part of personality concerned with consciousness is:
A. Superego
B. Ego
C. Id
29. The internalized set of standard is known as:
A. Ego ideal
B. Ego
C. Id
30. Separation of function of some mental processes is called:
A. Denial
B. Displacement
C. Dissociation
D. Projection
31. An unacceptable instinctual drive is rerouted to a socially acceptable action:
A. Sublimation
B. Repression
C. Regression
D. Splitting
32. An irrational feeling or behaviour is made to appear reasonable:
A. Rationalization
B. Reaction formation
C. Regression
D. Repression
33. People or events are seen as being totally bad or totally good:
A. Splitting
B. Sublimation
C. Suppression
D. Isolation
34. Unconscious feelings are denied and opposite attitude and behaviour are adopted:
A. Reaction formation
B. Rationalization
C. Projection
D. Repression
35. Unacceptable feelings are prevented from reaching awareness:
A. Repression
B. Regression
C. Rationalization
D. Denial
36. Unacceptable feelings are expressed in actions:
A. Denial
B. Acting out
C. Displacement
D. Dissociation
37. Failure to acknowledge unacceptable or undesirable reality is:
A. Denial
B. Conversion
C. Dissociation
D. Acting out
38. Anxiety provoking impulse is converted into somatic symptoms:
A. Conversion
B. Denial
C. Displacement
D. Compensation
39. Over achievement in one area to combat deficiency in another is:
A. Compensation
B. Conversion
C. Repression
D. Regression
40. Emotion is separated from an incident by giving an intellectual explanation:
A. Isolation
B. Identification
C. Introjections
D. Intellectualization
41. A person’s behaviour is patterned after that of another:
A. Identification
B. Isolation
C. Introjection
D. Projection
42. One’s own unacceptable thoughts and feelings are attributed to others:
A. Projection
B. Displacement
C. Isolation
D. Repression
43. Emotions are transferred from an unacceptable to an acceptable idea, person, or object:
A. Displacement
B. Denial
C. Dissociation
D. Projection
44. An act that is performed in an attempt to prevent or counteract the real or imagined, unpleasant consequences:
A. Undoing
B. Denial
C. Isolation
D. Dissociation
45. An individual’s conscious or unconscious attempt to resolve an emotional conflict through day dreaming is:
A. Fantacy
B. Denial
C. Isolation
D. Displacement
46. An individual unselfishly assists others:
A. Altruism
B. Humor
C. Denial
D. Undoing
47. The ego defense mechanism used to relieve anxiety by the use of amusing thoughts:
A. Humor
B. Denial
C. Fantacy
D. Displacement
48. The following are psychotic defense mechanisms:
A. Projection
B. Regression
C. Sublimation
49. Loss of integration leads to a sense of isolation and morbid individualism which predispose to:
A. Egoistic suicide
B. Anomic suicide
C. Altruistic suicide
50. A doctor, who smokes, asserts that smoking is beneficial because it inhibits the development of obesity is using which of the following “defense” mechanisms?
A. Dissociation
B. Intellectualization
C. Rationalization
D. Reaction formation
E. Projection
51. Important mechanism in the development of the “ego” includes:
A. Condensation
B. Rationalization
C. Defense
D. Identification
52. “Suggestion” as a form of a psychotherapy is used in:
A. Conversion disorder
B. Child psychiatry
C. Patients with a low IQ
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.A 7.A 8.A 9.A 10.A 11.A 12.A 13.A 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.A 18.A,B,C 19. A,B,C,D 20.A 21.A 22.B 23.A 24. A,B,C 25.C 26.A 27.A 28.A 29.A 30.C 31.A 32.A 33.A 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.A 38.A 39.A 40.D 41.A 42.A 43.A 44.A 45.A 46.A 47.A 48. A,B 49.A 50.C 51.D 52.D