265 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers for JIPMER PG Entrance Exam – Part 2:
101. A 62-year-old man seeks evaluation for weakness, a loss of initiative, a loss of weight, and abdominal discomfort. He appears to be depressed. Possible diagnoses can include:
A. Dementia
B. Pain killer abuse
C. Pancreatic carcinoma
D. Hyperthyroidism
102. A 36-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by the police. He has been caught speeding on the highway at night without his headlights on. On examination he is agitated and belligerent. He warned the physician and the policemen that he has “Friends” in high places whom he is currently in contact with and that the policeman who has incarcerated him will be punished. Diagnostic possibilities can include:
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Arsenic intoxication
C. Arsenic intoxication
D. Amphetamine overdose
E. Addison’s disease
103. Cocaine addiction may be manifested as:
A. A sexual dysfunction in male «,
B. An increased need for sleep
C. Severe anxiety and paranoid delusions
D. Hallucinations
104. A 67-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by the police for exposing himself in the nude to schoolchildren. There is no history of similar events in the past. Possible cause of this behavior includes:
A. A petit mal seizure
B. Alzheimer’s disease
C. Digitalis intoxication
D. An intracranial tumor
105. The usual causes of an inhibited female orgasm include:
A. A lack of information
B. Major psychopathology
C. Trauma from the first relationship
D. The sedative side-effects of medications
106. Which of the following agents have an important role in the therapy of alcohol withdrawal delirium?
A. Meprobamate and benzodiazepines
B. Vitamin B complex
C. Chlormethiazole (Heminevrin)
D. Potassium and magnesium ions
E. Benzodiazepine
107. Patients suffering from a personality disorder:
A. May occasionally lost touch with reality
B. Are frequently irritating tolerate stress poorly
C. Elicit strong negative reaction to physicians
108. Characteristic features of a borderline personality disorder include:
A. Warm interpersonal relationship
B. The patient exhibits signs of a strong desire for attention without any tendencies for reciprocation
C. The patients exhibits signs of well developed defense mechanisms
D. The patient shows no empathy in his/her relationship; ideal sizes or depreciates his/her partner.
109. Visual hallucinations are characteristic for which of the following conditions?
A. Acute alcohol abuse
B. Korsakoff’s syndrome
C. Alcohol hallucinations
D. Delirium tremens
110. Examples of delusional thinking include:
A. A strong belief that one’s internal organs are “rotting” due to disease
B. Seeing people who are dead or inanimate
C. A strong belief that co-workers are conspiring a plot against the patient
D. A strong impulse to tell obscenities in church
111. Which of the following adult type traits originate from the “anal period’ of the psychosexual development?
A. Stubbornness
B. A strong urge for tidiness
C. Stinginess
D. A low tolerance to stress
112. If someone is said to be disoriented, they are most likely not to know:
A. The date
B. Where they are
C. The time
D. Some famous people
113. Which of the following types of hallucinations are regarded as symptoms of a severe psychiatric disorder?
A. Auditory
B. Hypnagogic
C. Visual
D. Pseudo hallucination
114. Dyspareunia is:
A. The lack of vaginal lubrication
B. The constriction of vaginal muscles
C. Equally frequent among men and women
D. Pain during intercourse
115. Which of the following statements concerning the risk of fatal suicide are correct?
A. Women are at a higher risk than men
B. The risk for the patients above the age of 65 is higher than for those between 25 and 35-years-old
C. The incidence of suicide is higher during times of war
D. Alcohol addicts are at a higher risk for suicide
116. Possible cause of organic anxiety disorders include:
A. The withdrawal of sedatives or sleeping pills
B. Pheochromocytoma
C. An excessive use of caffeine
D. Hyperparathyroidism
117. Most patients with an antisocial personality disorder:
A. Lack a guilty conscience
B. Change jobs frequently
C. Have sexual partnerships devoid of emotions
D. Have been brought up in unfavorable family conditions
118. Patients with a type – A personality usually exhibit which of the following characteristics?
A. Impatience
B. Hostility
C. Driven quality
D. A high incidence of coronary heart disease
E. All of the above
119. Correct statements about an histrionic conversion disorder include which of the following?
A. This disorder has primary and secondary advantages
B. A sudden and dramatic onset of symptoms
C. The patients is unable to control the symptoms voluntarily
D. Paralysis and paresthesias do not respect the anatomical borders of innervations
E. All of the above
120. Some undesirable complications of a somatization disorder (chronic neurosis) include:
A. The excessive use of drug
B. Secondary atrogenic complication of invasice diagnostic intervention
C. An excessive dependence on health care
D. A frequent change of physicians
E. All of the above
121. How does malingering differ from somatization disorders?
A. It occurs more rarely
B. This disease is more susceptible to therapy
C. Malingering is not a psychiatric disorder
D. It may involve the abnormality of several organs
122. Symptoms of a presuicidal syndrome include:
A. Flatness of affect
B. Aggression toward one’s self
C. Suicidal ideation fright of other people
123. A 25-year-old student presents to the emergency room accompanied by his schoolmates. He has occasionally been noted to become excited and euphoric and he is said to have neglected his studies for the last weeks. He can hardly concentrate when holding a conversation. Upon examination he is alert, oriented, his speech is intact, and his thoughts are coherent. During the interview he insists that he is being observed and followed by his neighbors stating that they are plotting against him and are jealous of his good academic results. Which of the following conditions have to be considered?
A. An acute manic episode
B. Multiple sclerosis
C. Acute paranoid schizophrenia
D. Withdrawal syndrome
124. Researchers believe that anorexia nervosa is symptomatic expression of:
A. Psychosexual conflicts
B. Psychological conflicts with the mother
C. Impaired self-regulation
D. Psychological conflicts with the father
125. An effective therapy of a summarization disorder includes:
A. The continuous decrease of unnecessary medications
B. Regular therapeutic settings
C. Staying with the same physician
D. The administration of anxiolytic
126. Paraphilias (sexual perversities) are believed to be associated with:
A. An excessive sexual desire
B. Learned processes
C. An antisocial personality among the family members
D. Early developmental abnormalities in the family
127. Which of the following statements concerning anorexia nervosa are correct?
A. It is usually manifested by the age of 13
B. The onset is delayed in boys when compared to girls
C. It’s usually preceded by a diet
D. A suicide attempts is common as an initial manifestation
128. Which of the following statements about the empirical risk for schizophrenia are correct?
A. If one of the parents is a schizophrenic, the risk for the disease among the children is 10 to 15 percent
B. The risk for schizophrenic, the risk among the siblings of a schizophrenic is 10 to 15 percent
C. If both parents are schizophrenic, the risk among the children is above 40 percent
D. Concordance of monozygotic twins in above 90 percent
129. Symptoms commonly present in all forms of schizophrenia and Schizophreniform disorders include:
A. Ambivalence and autism
B. Disturbed affect
C. Disturbed though process
D. Amnesia and confabulation
130. Based on the results of recent research, neurotransmitters possibly involved in the pathomechanism of schizophrenia include:
A. Dopamine
B. Neuro peptides
C. Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA)
D. Optical isomers of dopamine
131. The anticholinergic side-effects of tricyclic antidepressants that are frequently observed, especially during the therapy of elderly patients include:
A. Tachycardia
B. Constipation
C. The retention of urine
D. Blurred vision
132. 53-year-old women underwent an operation for a fracture of the neck of the femur. On the second postoperative day she became agitated and uncooperative. On the third day she was noted to have hallucinations and addressed the nurses by the names of her own children. Possible causes of her symptoms include:
A. Alcohol withdrawal
B. Intravenously administered penicillin
C. Sepsis
D. General anesthesia
133. A patient with a major depression is likely to exhibit which of the following symptoms?
A. Negligence
B. Agitation and anxiety
C. Defensiveness
D. Sadness
134. Tricyclic antidepressants and MAO inhibitors are effective for the treatment of:
A. Bulimia
B. Compulsive personality disorder
C. Anancastic disorder
D. Atypical depression
135. The most characteristic symptoms of delirium tremens include:
A. Tremor
B. Sweating
C. Blackouts
D. Hallucinations
136. Dysthymia is characterized by:
A. Chronic fatigue
B. Social withdrawal
C. Insomnia
D. Hypersomia
137. The DST (Dexamethasone suppression test) has limited usefulness in the diagnosis of depression because:
A. The patient is noncompliant
B. The plasma control levels are subject to diurnal variation
C. The test is too expensive for routine clinical use
D. Many medical conditions give false positive results
138. A 22-year artist, a few days after the death of his father from suicide, become euphoric and highly concerned about how he looks. He is hyperactive, restless, and has no insight into his considered:
A. Personality disorder
B. Macromedia
C. A primitive reaction
D. Manic or hypomanic syndrome
139. Common complications of alcoholism include:
A. Cerebral damage
B. Gastritis
C. Hypertension
D. Suicide
140. Drugs that can cause dependence include:
A. Benzodiazepines
B. Antihistamines
C. Barbiturates
D. Tricyclic and tetracyclic antidepressants
141. Which of the sexual disorders listed below are characterized by the statement that psychologically immature young males are usually aggressive to their “victims” in order to obtain sexual gratification?
A. Transsexualism
B. Homosexuality
C. Erection disorder
D. Exhibitionism
142. The most typical example of a simple phobia is a fear of:
A. Heights
B. Public transportation
C. Zin crowds
D. Social situation
143. 22-year-old patient, during an interview, recalled that she had seen two doves sitting on the window sill, which she recognized as a future sign of an important event that would take place in her life in two weeks time. This symptom should be regarded as wan:
A. Illusion
B. Hallucination
C. Delusion
D. Neologism
E. Incoherence
144. The most important process in the development of the ego is:
A. Identification
B. Projection
C. Reaction formation
D. Regression
E. Repression
145. Emotional reactions towards the physician, with reflect recent experiences and relationships outside of the therapeutic setting, may be defined as:
A. Acting out
B. Fixation
C. Free associations
D. Impulse transmission
E. Anxiety
146. A middle-aged woman is brought to the intensive care unit complaining of thoracic pain. Despite the appropriate diagnosis and therapy the woman died soon after. The husband begins to threaten the physician that he will sue him. This behavior is a example of which of the following defense mechanisms?
A. Shifting
B. Dissociation
C. Overcompensation
D. Reaction formation
E. Regression
147. Which of the following abnormalities is most characteristic for psychosis?
A. An abnormally of the thought process
B. Schizophrenia
C. Manic-depressive psychosis
D. Reality testing is impaired
E. Impulsiveness and illogical behavior
148. A characteristic defense mechanism involved in paranoid symptom formation is:
A. Reality denial
B. Conversion
C. Projection
D. Isolation
E. Acting out
149. An elderly, mildly confused man is brought to the emergency room by his son. When asked about his problems the patient mentions “abnormalities of function”. His answer to the next question is the same. This is an example of:
A. Coprolalia
B. Coprophobia
C. Fixation
D. Perseveration
E. Echolalia
150. A 29-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room by her husband. The woman complains of a sharp, intensive pain on the left side of her chest, accompanied by shortness of breath and palpitations. She fears that she had a heart attack. The results of her physical examination and blood tests are normal. The pain ceased after a few hours of observation and she was released. Similar situations have occurred previously, although an organic cause has never been demonstrated. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Histrionic conversion reaction
B. Malingering
C. Anancastic neurosis (panic disorder)
D. Hypochondriasis
E. Compulsive personality disorder
During these episodes of discomfort the patient talks about herself as if being an independent observer.
This is an example of:
1. Derealization
2. Depersonalization
3. Illusions
4. Hallucinations.
5. Alienation
151. A 39-year-old salesman presents at the emergency room complaining of a severe headache localized to one side of his head, the physician should inquire about all of the following, except:
A. Hallucinations and delusions
B. Any trouble with the authorities
C. Any history of a loss of consciousness
D. The need for the prescription of a pain killer
E. Alcohol abuse
152. Symptoms which are necessary in order to diagnose a panic disorder include all of the following, except:
A. The occurrence of at least three episodes in a 3 week period
B. The continuous presence of the symptoms for at least one month
C. The identification of an environmental stressor
D. An onset in young adulthood
E. The occurrence of spontaneous anxiety attacks
153. Characteristics of conversion disorder include all of the following, except
A. Their incidence in children is equal in both sexes
B. The symptoms are involuntary
C. Their incidence is decreasing
D. The symptoms correspond to the pathophysiology of the disorders
E. They are more frequently diagrtosed in women by mid adolescence
154. The different diagnosis of anorexia nervosa includes all of the following, except
A. Cancer
B. Depression
C. Addison’s disease
D. Cushing’s disease
E. Ulcerative colitis
155. Which of the following food constituents has to be avoided when prescribing a diet for patients treated with monoamino-oxidase inhibitors?
A. Cholesterol
B. Choline
C. Lactose
D. Tryptophan
E. Tyramine
156. Which of the following is a basic technique of psychoanalysis?
A. Concentration
B. The resolving of inhibitions
C. Empathy
D. Free associations
E. Hypnosis
157. A 39-year-old woman was treated for many years for pelvic pain. She underwent numerous examinations, even a laparotomy, all of which failed to demonstrate an organic cause. The patient denies feelings of depression and other psychiatric problems but expresses anger at her physicians who are unable to cure her. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Depressive disorder
B. Somatization disorder
C. Malingering
D. Psychogenic pain syndrome
E. Conversion disorder
The differential diagnosis of her condition includes all of the following, except:
A. Malingering
B. Schizophrenia
C. Mood disorder (bipolar)
D. Organic mental syndrome
E. Conversion disorder
Although the exact mechanism of the disorder is not known, there are some theories concerning the etiology.
These include all of the following, except:
A. The pain offer a possibility for the patient to avoid an undesirable situation
B. The patient did not learn to verbalize her emotions during childhood
C. The patient experienced a disease associated with severe pain
D. The patient attempts to mislead the physician in order to achieve a better quality of care
E. The pain may be regarded as a stress reaction of the central nervous system
158. Statistically recognized risk factors of schizophrenia include all of the following, except
A. A defective self-development (defective self-object differentiation and an increased susceptibility to narcistic injuries)
B. Cultural, economical, and psychosocial stressors present in the environment
C. Birth in early spring
D. A schizophrenic amongst the patient’s relatives
E. A history of a herpes simplex infection or viral encephalitis
159. Which of the following is an unlikely precipitating cause of a psychotic episode later diagnosed as schizophrenia?
A. Alcohol abuse
B. A severe psychosocial stressor
C. A severe depressive episode
D. A traumatic event in the patient’s life
E. The use of a psychostimulation drug
160. The most frequent type of schizophrenia among hospital admissions is:
A. The autistic type
B. The catatonic type
C. The hebephrenic type
D. The paranoid type
E. The undifferentiated type
161. Statements characteristic for bipolar mood disorder include all of the following, except.
A. Certain patient exhibit a congenital membrane defect affecting the lithium-transport in red blood cells
B. Each manic episode is followed by a depressive phase
C. The sex ratio of bipolar disorders is roughly equal
D. Bipolar disorders usually have an onset before the age of 30
E. The levels of nor-epinephrine and its metabolites are frequently found to be elevated in manic patients
162. The leading symptom of affective disorders is a disturbance of:
A. Concentration and cognitive functions
B. Mood
C. Association and the thought process
D. Initiatives and psychomotility
E. Perception
163. The period between falling asleep and the occurrence to the first REM phase (REM latency) is typically shorter in:
A. Dementia
B. Delirium tremens
C. Schizophrenia
D. Depression
E. Alcoholism
164. Which of the following focal organic mental disorders is characterized by a loss initiative?
A. Temporal lobe syndrome
B. Injury of the frontal convexity
C. Injury of the frontal base
D. Korsakoff’s syndrome
E. Diencephalic syndrome
165. A slow wave activity in the EEG is usually detected in :
A. Dementia
B. Delirium
C. Schizophrenia
D. Alcohol withdrawal
E. HIV infection
166. The risk for developing schizophrenia in a sister of a schizophrenic male child is:
A. 70 percent
B. 40 percent
C. 25 percent
D. 12 percent
E. 1 percent
167. A 26-year-old man presents with a history of three discrete episodes of elevated mood and hyperactivity. He has got lost several times during these episodes. Once he had experienced a loss of vision in the right visual field, which was associated with diplopia for a short period. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Vitamin B12 deficiency
C. Herpes encephalitis
D. Systemic lupus erythematosus
E. Progressive paralysis
168. A 15-year-old boy with history of recurrent tonsillitis is brought to the physician complaining of irritability, difficulties in school, and frequent emotional outbursts. The boy frequently grimaces. The appropriate therapy includes the administration of:
A. Salicylates
B. Lithium carbonate
C. Penicillin
D. Levodopa
E. Haloperidol
169. Which of the following symptoms is indicative of barbiturate intoxication, rather than drug withdrawal?
A. Confusion
B. Nystagmus
C. Postural hypotension
D. Disorientation
E. Agitation
170. 444 rugs causing depression as a side-effect, during regular use, include all of the following, except:
A. Alpha-methyldopa
B. Contraceptives
C. Lithium carbonate
D. Propranolol
E. Reserpine
171. A 60-year-old man is brought to the hospital by his relatives. He had come recently to visit them from out of town. He is unable to take care of basic needs. His past medical history is uneventful although his relatives have noticed that after his wife had died he became withdrawn and less social than he had previously been. Which of the following is the least likely diagnosis?
A. Delirium
B. Schizophrenia
C. Dementia
D. Depressive psychosis
E. Mixed type organic mental syndrome
172. A 43-old-year-old woman has been found unconscious in her garage. The car was running and the door to the garage was closed. Upon examination she is confused. The most likely cause of her confusion is:
A. Lead poisoning
B. Hypoxia
C. Hypoglycemia
D. Gasoline inhalation
E. None of the above
173. A deficiency of which of the following vitamins is an important factor in the etiology of Korsakoff’s a syndrome?
A. Vitamin B6
B. Folic acid
C. Nicotinamide
D. Vitamin B1
E. Vitamin B12
174. An 8-year-old girl, in a febrile state, assumes that the curtain in her bedroom window is moving and an animal is trying to come into the room through the window. This symptom is a typical example of:
A. Delusion
B. Fantasy
C. Hallucination
D. Illusion
E. Phobia
175. A physician asks an elderly male patient what he had for supper the previous day. The patient asserts that he had his Christmas dinner together with his wife and children. This is late June now and patient’s wife died three years ago. Nobody visited the patient the previous day. The patient’s reply is characteristic of:
A. Circumstantiality
B. Confabulation
C. Deja vu
D. A Flight of ideas
E. An illusion
176. A 30-year-old man complains of impotence. He thinks that strangers on the street are laughing at him. He is sure that they know about his problem and that they are probably responsible for the development of his condition. This complaint should not be regarded as a sign of:
A. Concreteness of thought
B. Delusions of reference
C. Imaginativeness
D. Decline of affect
E. Somatic delusions
177. Which of the following is a best example for a double bind?
A. Mary’s parents want her to wait to get married until she finished high school
B. John’s parents encourage him to go to high school but went him too decide about his own life.
C. Joe’s parents encourage him to go to high school but they dissuade his sister from the same thing
D. Frank’s parents encourage him to apply to a high school but frequently remind him of the financial sacrifices his education requires from the family
E. Sophie’s parents encourage her to apply to a high school but recommend to her to work for a few years first in order to earn the costs of her education
178. The psychic structure which regulates the conflicts between unconscious drives and the reality is the:
A. Ego
B. Ego-ideal
C. Id
D. Preconscious
E. Superego
179. Homosexuality is characterized by all of the following statements, except
A. Approximately 4 percent of men in the United States are exclusively homosexual
B. Over one third of males have had an orgasm with a partner of the same sex at least once
C. There is a higher incidence of some mental illnesses, such as mood disorders, in homosexuals
D. There is a higher incidence of some somatic diseases, such as hepatitis, in homosexuals
E. Attempts to change homosexuals to heterosexual preference are usually unsuccessful
180. The examination of the victim of a violent suicide may reveal:
A. A low level of epinephrine in the cerebrospinal fluid
B. A low level of 5-hydroxy-indoleacetic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid
C. A high level of norepinephrine in the cerebrospinal fluid
D. A Low level of dopamine in the brain tissue
E. An elevated level of most of the biogenic amines in the brain tissue
181. The description: “attributing one’s own unacceptable motives and emotions to someone else” best characterizes:
A. Fantasy
B. Splitting
C. Regression
D. Projection
E. Identification
182. Which of the following is a mature defense mechanism usually used by an adult and which helps social accommodation?
A. Shifting
B. Projection
C. Avoidance
D. Sublimation
E. Violence
183. Borderline personality disorder is characterized by all of the following, except.
A. Severe impulsiveness and unpredictable behavior
B. Disturbances of identity
C. Emotional lability
D. Withdrawal from social relations
E. Recurrent suicidal gestures and short psychotic episodes
184. Violent behavior is most characteristic for which of the following conditions?
A. Bipolar disease; manic type
B. Anancastic neurosis
C. Melancholia
D. Somatoform disorder
E. Compulsive personality disorder
185. A 27-year-old woman is brought to the emergency room complaining of shortness of breath, dizziness, and a tingling in her extremities. Careful examination fails to discover any organic abnormalities. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms?
A. Situational reaction
B. Endogenous anxiety
C. Caffeine abuse
D. Hyperventilation syndrome
E. Post-traumatic stress disorder
186. Correct statement about agoraphobia include all of the following, except:
A. The affected person experiences an intensive, irrational fear of leaving his/her home
B. The affected person realizes that the subject of his/ her fear is
C. It Is effectively relieved by antidepressants
D. Behavioral therapy focuses on the phobia and neglects the psychodynamics of the affliction
E. Once a phobia is effectively eliminated, it will not reoccur
187. A major side-effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitor antidepressant therapy is referred to as a “cheese reaction.” Foodstuffs that may cause such a hypertensive crisis include all of the following, except
A. Coffee and tea
B. Poultry liver
C. Smoked fish
D. Legumes
E. Beer and red wine
188. A middle-aged man becomes ill with Parkinson’s disease. The prescribed medication fails to improve his motor abnormalities. His mood is depressed. He says he has lost his relish for life and the only thing he does is sleep. The first steps if managing this patient include:
A. To admit him to a psychiatric ward with respect to a possibility of suicide
B. Reassuring the patient that the prescribed medications are effective in Parkinson’s disease.
C. A discussion with the patient about his troubles and possibility of suicide
D. Referring the patient to a neurologist or a psychiatrist saying, “Let them hear his story”
E. Scheduling frequent therapeutic settings and calling the attention of the family members to the possibility of suicide
189. A 41-year-old man complains that life does not give him what he wants. He feels disappointed and unhappy. He was depressed for a while after his girlfriend left him 8 years ago. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Psychogenic depression
B. Schizophrenia
C. Bipolar disorder; depressive phase
D. Dysthymia (neurotic depression)
E. Cyclothymia
190. Which of the following personality traits have commonly been found as characteristics of a premorbid personality preceding schizophrenia?
A. Extreme dependence (strong relationship with the parents, fear of being far from home)
B. Social withdrawal; an inability for close interpersonal relationships
C. Insufficient socialization; cruelty to animals; pyromania; enuresis
D. Extreme obedience; conformity; excellent academic results
E. None of the above
191. Which of the following personality disorders is most likely to be associated with a mood disorder?
A. Schizoid personality disorder
B. Paranoid personality disorder
C. Borderline personality disorder
D. Avoidant personality disorder
E. Antisocial personality disorder
192. A 39-year-old man complains of severe anxiety. He feels like a stranger thoughts and he has to fight to subdue them. The first step of the management of this patient is:
A. To have him admitted to a psychiatric ward
B. To ensure him that he has no mental disease
C. To explore the current situations of his like in order to determine the subsequent steps
D. To inquire about his childhood events
E. To prescribe anxiolytic and to excuse the patient from work
193. If one of two monozygotic twins becomes ill with schizophrenia, the likelihood for the other twin to be affected is:
A. 95 percent
B. not any higher than the average likelihood in the general population
C. the same as for a non-twin sibling
D. between 35 and 70 percent
E. 100 percent
194. An intoxication caused by tricyclic antidepressants is most similar to the one caused by:
A. Amphetamines
B. Atropine
C. Barbiturates
D. The withdrawal barbiturates
E. Lithium
195. Ever since antipsychotic drugs have been introduced, the usual institutional therapy of schizophrenic patients has changed considerably. These changes include all of the following, except:
A. The possibilities of individual adjustment to drug therapy have increased
B. Non-medication therapy is more extensively available
C. The average duration of medical care has decreased
D. The period necessary for appropriate therapy in a hospital ward has decreased
E. The number of rehospitalizations has decreased
196. Schizophrenia is characterized by all of the following symptoms, except:
A. Incoherence is characterized by all of the following symptoms, except
B. Bizarre delusions
C. Auditory hallucinations
D. Korsakoff’s syndrome
E. Parathymia
197. Which of the following neurotransmitters is believed to be deficient in Alzheimer’s disease?
A. Norepinephrine
B. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)
C. Serotonin
D. Acetylcholine
E. Dopamine
198. The use of which of the following substances is most commonly associated with violent behavior?
A. Heroin
B. Cocaine
C. Amphetamines
D. Steroids
E. Alcohol
199. Correct statements about the interpersonal relationships of an alcoholic include all of the following, except:
A. Many good friends
B. Good contact with people
C. A Deep attachment to friends
D. Short-lived relationships
E. A warm-hearted, helpful, and responsible individual
200. Common features of delirium and dementia include all of the following, except
A. Impaired remote memory
B. Distorted thought process
C. Cognitive impairment
D. EEG abnormalities
E. Organic pathology
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