Legal provisions regarding personnel or staff of a home as per as rule 68 of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rule 2007.
(1) The personnel strength of a home shall be determined according to the duty, posts, and hours of duty per day as the base for each category of staff is meant to cater to.
(2) The institutional organizational set up shall be fixed in accordance with the size of the home, the capacity, work-load, distribution of functions and requirements of programmes.
(3) The whole time staff in a home may consist of Officer-in-Charge, Probation Officer (in case of observation home or special home), case workers (in case of children’s home or shelter home or after-care organization), Child Welfare Officers, Counsellor, Educator, Vocational Training Instructor, Medical Staff, Administrative Staff, Care takers, house father or house mother, store-keeper, cook, helper, washerman, safai karmachari, gardener as required.
(4) The part-time staff shall include psychiatrist, psychologist, occupational therapist, and other professionals as may be required by time to time.
(5) The staff of the home shall be subject to control and overall supervision of the Officer-in-Charge, who by order, shall determine their specific responsibilities and shall keep the concerned authority informed of such orders made by him from time to time.
(6) The duties and responsibilities of the staff under the Officer-in-Charge shall be fixed in keeping with the statutory requirements of the Act.
(7) The Officer-in-Charge and such other staff, who may be required, shall live in the quarters provided for them within the premises of the home.
(8) The number of posts in each category of staff shall be fixed on the basis of capacity of the institution, and the staff shall be appointed in accordance with the educational qualifications, training and experience required for each category.
(9) The suggested staffing pattern for an institution with a capacity of 100 juveniles or children could be as mentioned below:
1. Officer-in-Charge (Superintendent) | 1 |
2. Counsellor | 2 |
3. Case workers or Probation Officer or Child Welfare Officer | 3 |
4. House Mother or House Father | 4 |
5. Educator | 2 (voluntary or part-time) |
6. P.T. Instructor-cum-Yoga Training | 1 |
7. Doctor | 1 (part-time) |
8. Paramedical staff | 1 |
9. Store-keeper cum-Accountant | 1 |
10. Driver | 1 |
11. Cook | 2 |
12. Helper | 2 |
13. Housekeeping | 2 |
14. Art and Craft-cum-Music teacher | 1 (part-time) |
15. Gardener | 1 (part-time) |
Total | 25 |
(10) The number of posts in the category of counsellor, case worker or probation officer, house-father – or house-mother, educator, and vocational instructor shall proportionally increase with the increase in the capacity of the institution.
(11) In case of institutions housing infant’s provision for ayas and para-medical staff shall be made as per the need.