Method Statement for Bar Bending & Fabrication Works of Non-Epoxy Coated Bars are given below:
1. Scope:
This document explains the various steps involved in the bar bending and fabrication works of non-epoxy coated bars.
2. Responsibility:
The Site Manager is responsible for the overall activities.
The Construction Engineer shall be responsible for bar bending activities and for placing the rebar’s in position in accordance with relevant specifications and drawings.
The Civil Construction Contractor’s Safety Officer shall ensure that necessary work permits are availed before the work commences and the works are carried out in a safe manner.
Inspection and testing activities shall be controlled by the QC Engineer of Civil Construction Contractor through the approved on-site laboratory.
3. Plants and equipment:
Bar bending machine, PVC Mandrills, nylon slings, cutting machine, bending bar, etc.
4. Procedure:
Execution Procedure:
The Supplied rebar’s shall be laid out and stored properly at the yard size-wise and proper care shall be taken to avoid its contact with earth.
The design wing of the Civil Construction Contractor shall prepare typical bar bending schedule for which approval shall be obtained from Employer and Owner before the commencement of works.
On receipt of approval, bending of bars shall be carried out as per BS 4466 or IS: 456, SP: 34 and the prepared reinforcements shall be stacked properly with tags for proper identification. Care will be taken to ensure that steel reinforcements are rust free. The wire brushing shall be carried out wherever it is required.
If the steel does develop any rust due to delay in placement of concrete minor rust is found on the steel, it shall be cleaned with wire brush and shall be cleaned. If the rust is found major, rebar’s shall be sweep blasted using grit meeting the requirements of BS 7079 until it is free from loose mill scale or rust, oil, grease, etc.
The steel after cleaning shall remain within the limits of over and underweight allowed in BS 4449.
After placing the rebar’s in position it will be tied with annealed binding wire to form the reinforcement for the structure.
The steel rebar shall be checked for the following:
a) Size of rebar.
b) Spacing/numbering of rebar.
c) Proper binding using binding wire.
d) Provision of reinforcement spacers of suitable size at appropriate spacing.
e) Correct overlapping of rebar and its position (Avoid lapping at mid span)
f) Height of main bars to ensure whether enough length is available for overlap at next stage.
g) Provision of supports to keep the steel in position, Provision of service holes where required
h) Provision of additional bars (records to be verified)
After installation, all reinforcement exposed for more than 7 days shall be protected from contamination before and between pours by wrapping formwork with suitable sheeting. All reinforcement shall be washed clean using water suitable for producing concrete prior to placement of concrete.
Inspection and Testing:
Testing shall be carried out by the approved third party laboratory.
Relevant QC records shall be raised by Civil Construction Contractor’s QC Engineer as described in approved ITP.
Standard physical and chemical properties of reinforcing bars shall be checked by reviewing manufacturer’s test certificates.
Mechanical and chemical tests shall be carried out at a frequency mentioned in the approved ITP.