The Institutions related with Youth Welfare Services giving Further Education are the following:
1. Local Education Authorities:
The Local Education Authorities establish their own centres and even construct buildings for Youth Welfare Services. Generally these centres are opened in schools.
It is not compulsory for youths to participate in the programmes of these centres. The youths are free to participate as they wish. At most of the centres such cultural activities as arts, music, sports and physical training are organised.
2. Uniform Voluntary Organisations:
Under these come Boys Brigade, Girls Guide, Boys Scouts Association, St. John Ambulance Brigade, British Red Cross, and Junior Section. Amongst these, Boys Scouts Association and Girls Guide are more popular.
There are senior and junior sections in these. In the junior section, children within 8 and 11 years of age are admitted and in the senior section, children of 15 years of age are admitted.
In both these junior and senior sections there are such classifications as Brownies, Rangers, Rover-scouts and Wolf cubs. Boys Brigades are very popular in Commonwealth and other foreign countries. Denmark and Holland too, have patronised them.
The programmes for Boys Brigades are organised from centres in Great Britain. In these centres there are more than 2, 00,000 members who participate in the various programmes. The purpose of these centres is to expand the Kingdom of Jesus by teaching obedience, respect for elders, self-discipline and self-respect.
3. Non-uniformed Club Organisation:
There are two types of such organisations, one for providing general facilities and the other for special facilities. Organisations giving general facilities are B.C., G.C., N.A.M.C., Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Girls Guildary, Girls Friendly Society and Boys Work Section.
Organisations giving special facilities are co-operative Youth, National Federation of Young Farmers Club and Welsh League of Youth.
The representatives of all the above organisations form an organisation named Standing Conference of National Voluntary Youth Organisation.
This organisation protects the objectives and programmes of all the voluntary organisations and conveys their ideas to the Education Minister. Thus, these organisation functions as a connecting link between the Education Minister and voluntary organisations.