Just as there are outgoing newsletters meant for customers, prospects and other public, there are internal or employee newsletters in large organizations. Employee newsletters constitute a beneficial medium of communication through which information and developments of relevance are shared with the employees on a periodic basis.
Such newsletters may be ad hoc or of fixed periodicity. Very large organizations, where thousands of people are employed, across widely spread geographical regions, regularly bring out newsletters which serve a very useful purpose.
In fact, in larger organizations, there may be more than one newsletter, brought out on a functional basis. There may be an economic newsletter, personnel or HRD newsletter or training newsletter.
Depending on the skills of the people associated with bringing out such newsletters, the design, format and presentation are made not only informative and educative, but also appealing. House magazines brought out by organizations for the benefit of their employees also belong to this genre.
In conclusion, it must be emphasized that internal communication within the organization takes place through various well-drafted internal letters, circulars, memos, newsletters, booklets, brochures and house magazines.
Communication through bulletin boards or notice boards too comes in handy in carrying messages across various levels, offices and personnel.
While selective, well-written internal communication certainly has its merits, it should be noted that any excessive and unregulated effort leading to virtual explosion of written messages should be avoided.
Branch managers and other personnel receive such regular loads of written material, which unless the writer takes pains to make the communication attractive, interesting and brief, there is every possibility of its getting lost in the labyrinth of literature.