Some authorities believe that Grimaldi and Cro-Magnon form two non-distinct ethnic groups. But detailed examination of the skeletal characters indicates a close relationship between the Grimaldi and Cro-Magnon, which suggests Negroid admixture in the early population of Europe.
Thus some African traits constitute a part of the so-called Cro-Magnon. Not to speak of prehistoric times, the persistence of some of the Grimaldi characters has been recognized by M. Verneau in modern skulls and in living subjects of some parts of. Italy.
1. Discovery:
The remains were discovered in the cave called the Grotte des Enfants, in the village of Grimaldi on the Mediterranean coastal region.
2. Material:
Skeleton of a woman of about 30 years of age and of a boy of about 15. The skeleton of the later was stained with red ochre. The manner in which the skeletons were placed suggests intentional burial.
3. Associated Finds:
In the same site were found artifacts of Aurignacian type. The flints were worked on both the sides. Knives, scrapers, gravers, saws, etc., were the important tools.
4. Age:
The geological age is late Pleistocene.
5. Description:
(a) Skull:
1. The skulls are long, narrow and high. They are hyperdolichocephalic.
2. The female had a cranial index of 68.5 and the boy 69.2.
3. The head height is about 11.5 cm.
4. The cranial capacity of the female skull was 1265 cc and that of the boy was 1455 cc (according to Keith).
5. The skulls present an elliptical contour.
6. The regions of parietal bosses are flattened.
7. The mastoid processes are small. The face is large but short and not high. Below the cheek bones it is very narrow. Thus the head might be called disharmonic.
8. The supraorbital ridges are feebly developed and the forehead is well developed being slightly bulging forwards (these characters are observed in Negro crania).
9. The orbits are large and sub-rectangular. They are low in comparison to their breadth (as in the Cro-Magnon type).
10. The nose is broad (platyrrhine), the bridge is low and the nasal root is depressed.
11. The lower border of the nasal aperture is not sharp (as in the Negroes).
12. The canine fossae are deep (a Negroid characteristic).
13. The alveolar prognathism is marked.
14. The palate is very deep, long and narrow.
15. The alveolar border is U-shaped (as in Negroids and Australoids).
16. The jaw is strong with its broad and low ascending ramii and thick body.
17. The chin is poorly developed.
18. The alveolar margin of the lower jaw projects forward.
19. The teeth are large.
20. The upper molars have four well-developed cusps and the lower have five well-developed cusps (in the White race the numbers of cusps are three and four respectively).
21. The dental characters recall those of the Australian.
22. Thus, in the majority of the characters the skulls show affinities to the Africans.
(b) Trunk and Limbs:
1. The height of the female is estimated at 5 feet 3 inches and that of the boy at 5 feet 1Vi inches.
2. The lower limb is exaggeratedly long in relation to the upper limb.
3. The forearm and leg are very long in proportion to the arm and thigh respectively.
4. Thus in limb proportions the Grimaldi man resembles Africans.
According to Prof. Verneau, the narrow sciatic notch, the strong curve of the iliac crest, vertical projections of the iliac bones also recall Negroid character. The retroverted tibia, projection of the heel bone and strongly bent shaft of the femur also indicate Negroid affinities. These characters are seen in Neanderthal man also.
6. Affinity with Negroids:
The Grimaldi man is comparable to the modern Africans. Prof Sollas and Prof. Boule pointed out the affinity of the Grimaldi Africans to the Bushmen and the Hottentots of South Africa on the basis of strong resemblances of certain characteristics.