The function of the school has considerably changed in the rapidly changing environment. The traditional function of imparting the basic skills of the three R’s is now no longer considered to be adequate to meet the present challenge.
The present day school has also to perform some of the functions of the family. It must develop certain desirable moral attitudes and good social habits. It is through co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that the task of socialisation can be achieved more successfully.
In India to-day we find that the number of first generation learners in schools and colleges is swelling up. They are not sophisticated; they do not know the decorum and dignified behaviour expected of them. It is only the sympathetic understanding and sincere desire of the teacher to act positively in an un-prejudicial manner that can help in these situations.
Class in the Process of socialization. Class provides innumerable opportunities to the children to move and mix with an egalitarian group. This is the beginning of the socialization of the child for his future life. Here children get many chances to mix without any distinction of caste, colour or creed.
The children who are selfish or self-centered learn to adjust their behaviour in terms of class norms. The teachers are expected to be vigilant to ensure that the students do not think in terms of untouchability, caste distinctions and other prejudices.
Socialization of the child in a nursery school:
Instruction imparted in a nursery school is very informal. The greatest accent is put on developing good manners and etiquettes etc. There is a major emphasis on training the children to become less dependent on their parents and siblings. Children are trained to imbibe and practice equality by sharing toys, play materials etc.
Socialization of the child in an elementary school:
Efforts are made to turn students into responsible citizens of the school community. Work habits are inculcated among students. They are trained to cooperate with fellow students as well as to take orders ungrudgingly from the teacher. The school provides experience of relationship with the senior generation as well as with equals.
Socialization of the child in the middle school:
As against the elementary school, greater emphasis is placed on academic achievement in the middle school. It is a stage at which many students terminate their education. In the middle school too emphasis is placed on socialization. At this level the peer groups relationships are more meaningful.
The higher secondary school:
At this stage the greatest premium is put on achievement—both scholastic and co-curricular. Students develop various skills and aptitudes which may enable them to chart their future life. The peer group’s relationship is very much emphasized at this stage. Development of adaptive skill is emphasized.