Government of India has launched eight Missions as part of the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in specific areas i.e. Solar Energy, Enhanced Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Habitat, Water, Sustaining the Himalayan Eco-system, Green India, Sustainable Agriculture and Strategic knowledge for Climate Change which include assessment of the impact of climate change and actions needed to address climate change.
It is proposed, with the assistance of the World Bank to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan Project which includes the mapping of a hazard line along the coastal areas of the country taking into account the sea level rise due to climate change and other parameters such as, shoreline change, tides and waves.
A survey conducted by the Organization for Economic Cooperation Development (OECD) in 2007 ‘Ranking Port Cities with High Exposure and Vulnerability to Climate Extremes’ identifies Kolkata and Mumbai as “amongst the most vulnerable cities” to the rising sea level and storm surges due to climate change.
Although India does not have legal binding reduction commitments, a range of policies and programmes taken to respond to reducing emissions, inter-alia, include:
(i) Setting up of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency and encouraging energy conservation and introduction of energy efficiency labelling.
(ii) Promoting use of renewable energy
(iii) Power sector reforms and active renewable energy programme
(iv) Use of cleaner and lesser carbon intensive fuel for transport
(v) Fuel switching to cleaner energy
(vi) Afforestation and conservation of forests
(vii) Promotion of clean coal technologies
(viii) Reduction of gas flaring