1. A libel is defamation in some permanent form, e.g., a written or printed form.
2. At Common Law, a libel is a criminal offence as well as civil wrong. Under Indian law, both the libel and slander are criminal offences, under Section 500 of the Indian Penal Code.
3. A libel is itself an infringement of a right and no actual damage need not be proved in order to sustain an action.
4. A libel conduces to a breach of peace.
5. Libel is written defamation addressed to the eye
6. Libel shows a greater deliberation and raises a suggestion of malice.
7. In certain occasions, the actual publisher of a libel may be an innocent person and therefore, not libel.
8. Limitation: In England, under the Statute of Limitation an action of libel is barred after six years, but that of slander after two years.
1. A slander is defamation in transient form, e.g. spoken words and gestures.
2. At Common law, a slander is a civil wrong only.
3. At common law, a slander is actionable only when special damage can be proved to have been its natural consequences, or when it conveys certain imputations.
4. A slander does not conduce to breach of the peace. This distinction is recognized in the English law only.
5. Slander is spoken defamation addressed to the ear.
6. Slander may be uttered in the heat of the moment and under a sudden provocation.
7. In every case of slander, the wrong-doer acts consciously and voluntarily, and must necessarily be guilty.
8. In India, the limitation period for the libel and slander is one year.