The Librarian:
The librarian too has an important role in the over-all guidance programme. He can contribute his share by:
1. Circulating the latest information material among the teachers and students;
2. Providing right type of books on educational, vocational and personal guidance to both teachers and students;
3. Helping the counselling and the liaison officers in the classification, and filing of the occupational information material;
4. Displaying the material received from time to time in an attractive manner.
The Psychologist:
A psychologist with training and experience in education can utilize his specialised knowledge concerning child development, learning, learner-evaluation, and interpersonal relationships to help counsellors and teachers gain a greater understanding of their pupils, especially those who are exceptional.
Although in some schools psychologists serve as full-time members of the guidance department, it is more common for psychological services to be available to individual schools as the need for them arises.
The chief responsibility of a school psychologist is to administer, correct, and interpret the results of whatever standardized instrument of evaluation are used to determine the learning readiness of pupils or to discover something about their interests, attitudes, or behaviour trends.
The Psychiatrist:
A young person’s emotional difficulties may be so serious and deep-rooted that a school guidance staff or a psychologist is unable to cope with the problem. In a situation of this kind, the service of a well-trained psychiatrist is needed.
Every school should have the opportunity to obtain such psychiatric treatment for pupils who seem to be evidencing symptoms of incipient or serious mental illness.