Comparison between Management Information System (MIS) and Decision Support System (DSS) are given below:
MIS is a system that gathers comprehensive data, organizes and summarizes the same in a form that adds value to managerial decision making. It is a computer-based information system for more effective planning, decision making and control. A typical MIS has four major components, i.e., data gathering, data entry, and data transformation and information utilization.
Most of the organizations keep centralized data base, which can be used for a wide variety of application. DSS is an interactive computer system, which is easily accessible to and operated by people, who are not computer friendly. DSS helps them to plan and make decisions. A typical DSS consists of the following elements:
i. An MIS to support several ways for accessing and summarizing data
ii. It is a sophisticated database that allows information to access in various ways
iii. It is a user-friendly interface which gives the user to use simple commands (rather than complicated computer terms) while communicating with the DSS
iv. The database for DSS contains both internal and external information, which helps the manager to relate and benchmark (compare) his decisions
v. Response time for DSS is rapid, which makes the system more effective than conventional MIS.