The convenor or the secretariat for the meetings will have to take responsibility for the success or effectiveness of the meetings. They have to invariably give attention to every small detail and ensure that everything is in order. It would be desirable to maintain a checklist of items relevant to various stages, i.e., before, during and after the meeting.
The checklist should include, among others, the following items:
1. Confirming that the meeting notice and all the sets of background papers have reached all the members and invitees.
2. Ascertaining the participation of the chairperson and the members, and the availability of the quorum.
3. Venue arrangements such as ensuring that the meeting hall is ready and open well in time, checking whether all equipment such as microphones, air conditioners, fans and projectors are functioning properly and pens and pads are provided.
4. Refreshments and catering as are appropriate to the meeting have been arranged.
5. Checking flight arrivals, room bookings and conveyance for the chairperson and others wherever required.
6. Reminding the local and other members about the time and venue of the meeting.
7. Ensuring that the table items for the day’s meeting, if any, are put up.
8. Briefing the chairperson and other key members about the issues to be taken up at the meeting.
9. Entrustment of responsibility concerning the recording of minutes or proceedings.
10. Timely intimation of postponement, cancellation or change of venue.
11. Changes to be effected in the composition of the members or participants and special invitees.
12. Reminding the chairperson, if need be, about the priority and urgency of various items which have to be necessarily taken up.
13. Probable dates for the next meeting.
14. Preparation of minutes or proceedings on time, obtaining approval of the same and their dispatch.
15. This kind of attention to all relevant details by the convenor or the secretariat brings in a professional approach in conducting meetings.