De Terra and Paterson felt that the Chauntra site shows a mixture of Late Sohan with Abbevillo- Acheulian traditions. The material is divided by them into three groups on the basis of the degree of weathering evidenced on the collected specimens.
(a) Well-rolled and crude specimens. This group includes Abbevillian hand axes, some pebble cores and a few massive flakes without much secondary workings
(b) These included medium-rolled specimens which show at least a lesser degree of weathering than the earlier group. Tools falling within this group include Early Acheulian and Middle Acheulian hand axes and some cleavers.
(c) This group includes both fresh and unrolled specimens. Besides the Late Sohan type core and flakes Paterson illustrates some cordates, pyriforms and ovates which are the thin bifaces that characterize Upper Acheulian in France.
Cleavers are also recorded in this group. Surprisingly none of the flakes or flake types which normally predominate an Upper Acheulian industry is described by the authors.
Later exploration on the Indus, conducted by Paolo Graziosi has yielded almost an entire Upper Acheulian industry although from a much lower region. Higher up in the Shimla Hills again, recent explorations by G. C. Mohapatra, have yielded a typical Upper Acheulian industry.
B. B. Lai’s explorations on the Beas-Banganga region in Kangra, on the other hand, almost duplicate the findings of De Terra and Paterson. Lai found the same number of terraces at almost comparable heights with almost an entirely pebble dominated industry. In a collection of 52 specimens only 4 are counted by him as bifaces.
It will, therefore appear that at Chauntra we are probably dealing with the northernmost limit of an Acheulian intrusion which at least for Punjab has a further western origin.
The Acheulian Tool Tradition:
A stone tool making tradition known as the Acheulian, after the site at St. Acheul, France, where the first examples were found, is generally associated with Homo erectus. This tradition appears first in East Africa about 1.5 million years ago, and it persists in later times when Homo sapiens were on the scene.
Acheulian stone-tool assemblages have a wide variety of small and large tools, including small flakes (which may have been used for butchering) and large bifacial implements such as the so-called hand axes (which may have been used for butchering) and large bifacial implements such as the so-called hand axes (which may have been used for digging or pounding). The predominance of hand axes and other bifacial tools particularly characterizes the Acheulian tradition.