There has been a great variety of empirical studies (Stein and Heinze, 1960) in which individuals identified as being highly creative on some criterion were contrasted with comparable individuals on personality measures derived from traditional personality tests such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach and others.
The following list of characteristics differentiates highly creative persons from Jess creative ones:
1. Accepts disorder,
2. Adventurous,
3. Strong affection,
4. Altruistic,
5. Awareness of others,
6. Always baffled by something,
7. Attracted to disorder,
8. Attracted to mysterious,
9. Attempts (difficult jobs (sometimes too difficult),
10. Bashful outwardly,
11. Constructive in criticism,
12. Courageous,
13. Deep and conscientious conventions,
14. Defies conventions of courtesy,
15. Defies conventions of health,
16. Desires to excel,
17. Determination,
18. Differentiated value-hierarchy,
19. Discontented,
20. Disturbs organisation,
21. Dominant (not in power sense),
22. Emotional,
23. Emotionally sensitive,
24. Energetic,
25. A fault-finder,
26. Doesn’t fear being thought ‘different’,
27. Feels whole parade is out of step,
28. Full of curiosity,
29. Appears haughty and self-satisfied at times,
30. Likes solitude,
31. Independence in judgment,
32. Independent in thinking,
33. Individualistic,
34. Intuitive,
35. Industrious,
36. Introversive,
37. Keeps unusual hours,
38. Lacks business ability,
39. Makes mistakes,
40. Never bored,
41. Nonconforming,
42. Not hostile or negativistic,
43. Not popular,
44. Oddities of habit,
45. Persistent,
46. Becomes preoccupied with problem,
47. Preference for complex ideas,
48. Questioning,
49. Radical,
50. Receptive to external stimuli,
51. Receptive to ideas of others,
52. Regresses occasionally,
53. Rejection of suppression as a mechanism of impulse control,
54. Rejection of repression.
55. Reserved,
56. Resolute,
57. Self-assertive,
58. Self-starter,
59. Self-aware,
60. Self-confident,
61. Self-sufficient,
62. Senses of destiny,
63. Sense of humour,
64. Sensitive to beauty,
65. Shuns power,
66. Sincere,
67. Not interested in small details,
68. Speculative,
69. Spirited in disagreement,
70. Strives for distinct goals,
71. Stubborn,
72. Temperamental,
73. Tenacious,
74. Tender emotions,
75. Timid,
76. Thorough,
77. Unconcerned about power,
78. Somewhat uncultured, primitive,
79. Unsophisticated, naive,
80. Unwilling to accept anything on mere say-so,
81. Visionary,
82. Versatile,
83. Willing to take risks, and
84. Somewhat withdrawn and quiescent.