Consequences that may arise in the future of HRM in India are as follows:
1. Trends in Joint Decision Making:
The largely paternalistic effort to help needy employees solve their personal problems, industrial organisation in India has moved to a joint consultative process of decision-making which influences employees.
This has been brought about by voluntary acceptance by the employers, strong trade unions and governmental legislation. The attitude of employers and the trade unions towards each other has gradually improved.
The profile of the Indian workforce is changing with education and an increasing awareness of its rights. This greater awareness of its rights will result in a greater demand for joint participation in management.
2. Greater Emphasis on Human Resource Development:
The future of personnel management will be more about HRD rather than has an administrator of personnel service.
He wills advice management on the relationship between individual development and the achievement of organisation goals.
He will engage himself in planning meaningful personnel research with a view to assist the line managers regarding the current management practices.
3. Change in the Profile of Workers:
Educated work force should demand greater autonomy and discretion in the work place. The needs and aspirations of the educated have changed the sex composition of the work force.
These women workers have begun to assert themselves and resist “discrimination” against them. These factors have resulted in changing the existing personnel policies.
4. Change in Attitude: of Top Management:
The scope of personnel management function depends, to a large extent, on its importance in the organisation and the attitude of the top management.
5. Increasing Role of Government:
Changes in the personnel function depend to a large extent on the needs dictated by the socio-economic and legal changes in the country.
Enactment of various labour jaws has made it necessary to appoint a personnel manager who is a specialist in law to advice the management on the changing legal obligations on the part of the organisations.
6. Better Method of Performance Appraisal:
Performance appraisal or merit rating is one of the oldest and more universal practices of management. It refers to all the formal procedures used in working organisations to evaluate personalities and contributions and potential of group members.
Permanent performance appraisal records of employees help the management to give up sole reliance upon personal knowledge of supervisors. Performance appraisal thus serves as a means for evaluating the effectiveness of workers.
Workers would value a closer connection between pay and performance and would certainly work harder to achieve better compensation for the work done.
7. More Importance to Motivation:
Motivation concern itself with the will to work. It seeks to know the incentives for work and tries to find out the ways and means whereby their realisation can be helped and encouraged. According to M. J. Jucious, motivation is “the act of stimulating someone or oneself to get a desired course of action”.
The traditional system of motivation, the “carrot and stick” policy is no longer effective, as the element of fear is not as potent as it was in the past.
Today, many positive and psychological rewards such as better wages, interesting and challenging work, and participative management act as better motivators.
8. Changing Work Ethics:
A personnel manager’s action often represents the position he holds or the office he occupies rather than his personal beliefs. A personnel manager being a professional should depend on certain rules of conduct and behaviour.
The decisions and actions of a professional are guided by certain ethical considerations. Therefore, personnel manager would be called upon to set up and enforce good quality standards. He should be committed to the workers, changing needs.
We can conclude on the future role of personnel management in India by using the words of S.N. Pandey who observed that -“Just as the business of finance men is to manage the finances of the organisation to get the optimum return on investment, just as it is the business of production men to utilise the various resources at their disposal in such manner that optimum output is obtained, so is the business of personnel men to manage human resource ensuring harmony, motivation, satisfaction and commitment. ”
Thus, the future trends of personnel management in Indian industries will modify the role of the personnel manager.
His functions will definitely be enlarged from traditional areas such as management of manpower planning, selection, recruitment, training, and welfare. With growing personnel needs, new dimensions will be added.