Mao played a vital role in propagating communism in China. He combined Marxism-Leninism with the socio-economic structure of China.
While Marx had predicted socialist revolution in capitalist societies, Mao brought it in a predominantly agrarian society. It showed that class need not always be the crucial element of revolutionary change.
Mao was a member of the Chinese Communist Party. He was deeply displeased by the conditions of the peasants. To guide the socialist revolution is relied on following tactics.
1. Armed Struggle and Guerilla Tactics:
Mao held that no revolution could be brought about without armed struggle and guerilla activities. The revolutionaries will have to be trained in these arts and the peasants have a major role to play in it.
2. Workers Leadership:
Even though Mao emphasized on the role of peasantry, he was convinced that only the workers could provide effective leadership.
3. Role of Village and Peasants:
Since the revolutionaries predominantly living in villages were weak, Mao laid stress on them. As regards the role of peasants, he observed “The gigantic struggles of the peasants—the peasants uprisings and wars-alone formed the real motive force of historical development in China’s feudal society.”
4. Autonomy of Political Will:
Mao did not believe that only economic conditions can bring about a leap from one mode of production to another. Rather he believed that a political will is necessary for social change.
5. Emphasis on War:
Mao was convinced that only through a war that capitalist structures could be dismantled and communism could be installed. Perhaps, he favored war to peace because he saw the latter as the continuation of present system of capitalism.
6. Transform Society:
For Mao revolution is not an instrument of power but to transform the society. It would change both; the feudal and capitalist structures and install a socialist system.
7. Collaboration among peasant, worker, petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie:
Mao thought that complete social change could not be achieved without the joint efforts of the different segments of society. Consequently, he favours role of workers, peasants, petty bourgeoisie and national bourgeoisie.
Permanent Revolution:
Mao believed that the socialist revolution was to be an ongoing affair. It was to last as long as there remained differences and distinction. Its motto was to abolish all class divisions.