From the value judgement angle, decisions can be of two kinds: (i) those that are expensive to change, and (ii) those that are not. The former should not be made hastily and without enough input.
The later should be made fast, and be made by people who actually have to operationalise those decisions. The type of decision that all executives have to take can be as follows:
1. Considered Decisions:
These are of great magnitude, requiring reflection and deep thought. They affect overall operations, require data gathering, and proceed from multiple alternatives.
They also require time for consultation with others and to reflect on implementation problems.
2. Operational Decisions:
These are the decisions that executives make practically every day as a routine either to solve problems or to prevent them. They have immediate impact and ensure smooth flow of operations.
3. Uncomfortable Decisions:
These are the decisions that impinge on interpersonal relationships with subordinates and others, and make the decision maker uncomfortable.
Also termed swallow-hard decisions because of the certainty of dislike by subordinates of such a decision, the manager has to carry it out regardless.
4. Hurried Decisions:
These are also the decisions made during daily operations. They require quick thought, the overriding factor being the pressure to make it quickly.
At times, wrong precedents are set by such decisions while responding to problem situations that required quick decisions.
In the daily grind of the hospital routine, there is an inherent tendency to make hurried decisions when actually there was a need for a considered or operational decision.