Since the interview is one of the most commonly used personal contact methods, it has to be conducted with great care. Generally the following steps are followed in an interview process. They are:
1. Reviewing background information
2. Preparing a question plan
3. Creating a helpful sitting
4. Conducting the interview.
4 Things
1. Reviewing Background Information:
Before the actual interview begins, the critical areas in which questions will be asked must be identified for judging the ability and skills required for the job.
Pertinent information about the candidate should be collected and noted beforehand. This preparation saves time and mental efforts during the interview. If there is more than one interviewer, some practice and mock interviews will help.
2. Preparing a Question Plan:
Every interviewer should have a question plan. This is formed by scrutinising the information given in the application form. This procedure will make the candidate more comfortable because the discussion will focus on his experiences.
Besides, preparing a question plan is useful for inexperienced interviewers. It will act as a guide and the interviewer will know whether he has covered all the areas of the interview or not.
3. Creating a Helpful Setting:
The place of interview should be carefully chosen. Make arrangements for reception and seating so as to give an impression to the interviewee that he is an important person to whom the interviewer will devote great attention.
Most interviews have overtones of emotional stress for the applicant. Success in interviewing depends on reducing this stress. Properly arranged seating should be made available. The candidates should be well-received by the receptionist. The sitting room is generally kept away from the place where the actual interviews are held so that the conversation between the interviewer and the interviewee is not overheard by other candidates.
In brief, the place of interview should have privacy and comfort, atmosphere of leisure, freedom from interruptions, authentic feeling for an interest in the candidate.
4. Conducting the Interview:
Conducting the interview is usually aimed at establishing rapport with the candidate, getting complete and accurate information from him and recording it properly. It is, therefore, necessary to use a number of different approaches during the course of an interview.
(a) Establishing Rapport:
The fundamental step is establishing ‘rapport’, putting the interviewee at ease, conveying the impression that the interview is a conversation between two friends and not a confrontation. A job interview can be a trying experience for the applicant.
The interviewer should gain the confidence of the candidate at the very beginning by establishing rapport with him.
To begin with, the interview should proceed in the form of a conversation so that the two may get to know each other, with the specific underlying purpose of getting information in certain areas. Sufficient time should be allowed to enable the candidate to reveal the facts necessary for a fair assessment of him.
(b) Getting Complete and Accurate Information:
Once the interviewee is put at ease, the interviewer starts asking questions or seeking information related to the job.
Getting complete and accurate information from the applicant is an art which calls for experience, skill and technique on the part of the interviewer.
The interviewer should use the language which is clear to the applicant. Here again it is extremely important to lead up to complex questions gradually.
Asking a difficult and complex question in the beginning can affect subsequent interaction, particularly if the interviewee is not able to answer the question.
Thus, it is advisable for the pattern to follow the simple-to-complex sequence. Some general rules to be observed regarding questioning are:
1. The interviewer should be prepared with precise questions and not take too much time in framing them.
2. Leading questions should be avoided because they give the impression that the interviewer is seeking certain kinds of answers.
3. Close ended questions which call for “yes” and “no” should not be asked for they offer little scope to the candidate to expand his answers and give more information.
4. Showing surprise or disapproval of speech, clothes or answers to questions can also inhibit the candidate.
5. An interviewer should not allow the interview to get out of hand. He should be alert and check the interviewee if he tries to lead the discussion into areas which are not relevant to the interview.
6. The interviewer should have talent, experience, and a sympathetic attitude so that he is able to draw out the applicant who may have a considerable potential but who may be shy and reserved in the beginning.
7. Highly personal questions should be omitted until one is sure that rapport has been fully established.
(c) Recording of Impressions:
In order to make an accurate evaluation of the interview, it is necessary that the interviewers’ impressions are briefly written down. This will help the interviewer to arrive at a final judgment.
(d) Concluding the Interview:
In the final few moments, the interviewer guides the interview to a close. The close of the interview is as important as its beginning.
The interview should be closed diplomatically so that the interviewee may feel satisfied that he was given a full hearing.
After the candidate leaves, the interviewer looks over his notes, recalls his impressions and makes a provisional appraisal before seeing the next candidate.