Various programmes which work for welfare and development of women are listed below:
(a) Indira Maltila Yojana (IMY):
It is launched in 1995, work for integrating and coordinating the programme for welfare of women like health, water, housing, sanitation. This bring awareness through group activities and participation with aim of empowering women and make mobilization of groups and helping in survival of groups through creation of outlet for marketing. The social empowerment is more equitable participating of women concerning family and the active participation help successful political empowerment.
(b) Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas:
It inaugurated en era for systematically organized women in enhancing the welfare and increasing their access to and utilization of services like health care, adult education. There is supplementing of staff like gram sevika to make implementation of their programme.
The Self Employed Women Association (SEWA) on development of women and children in rural areas group helped by them in respect of craft women show that these women have strengthened the self sufficiency, economic position, social status, increased their level of income. By engaging in different work like crafting, gum collector, these women more confident and sense of belonging.
(c) Podupulakshmi:
The report on Thrift and Credit programme for women empowerment and creating developmental initiative in village by integrating income generating activities of groups with delivery of services like health, literacy, family welfare, nutrition etc.
This podupulakshmi cell work for development of women and children in rural areas. The DRDA is expected to analyze the letter and take appropriate action in coordination with district office. DRDA also bringing news letter called Podupulakshmi and circulating it to all group leaders with the help of Zila Sakshartha Samithi.
It being to communicate with the group for making developmental and welfare programmes and also bringing awareness among group member about programme strategy. The women in other parts of the District have understood the benefit of this programme and started forming themselves into thrift and credit groups, with the help of local teachers, village developmental officers, Anganwadi workers, voluntary agencies, village administrative officers. They have started exchanging their achievement and making benefit that will occur from saving and meet their basic needs and work for the welfare of their family.
This Podupulakshmi help in creating the habit of saving among rural women, which provide capital base for the rural developmental activities. It create the trust and the confidence among rural people and involving the immunization programme, family planning programmes, universal elementary education activity participating for children and women welfare programmes.
The amount saved throughout the year will be utilized for disbursing to members as loan for creating working base. It is contemplated to form these women group in to Rural Bank for women development in the district after 3 years for providing financial assistance to women member.
These Podupulakshmi are endeavoring to promote community of women worker with vision of small initiative in development action (SI DA). It brings empowerment of women and improving the socio-economic status of women in the whole community.
The main base of Podupulakshmi is to promote developmental activities in the village by integrating income generating activities of groups with delivery of other services like family welfare, health care, nutrition, literacy etc. and emphasis is on people participation through community work.
(d) Women Thrift Society:
It is kind of voluntary organisation mainly intended to cause initiation toward the forming the habit of thrift and also induced self help and group help mechanism. Because of this fact the women occupies an important place in tribal economy. The women societies were formed are catalyst in the community decisions to ensure self-sustenance, household food security and family welfare.
In this women set up their own thrift and credit group and in assisting voluntary agencies in which women understands the concept of saving, equitable sharing of surplus, self-reliance, mutual loaning, democratic decision making and all the poor women were encouraged to saving and they can save money on regular bases and become self-reliant.
This Thrift Society and Grain Bank improves the household food security by promoting activities which generate sustainable increase in production and productivity from irrigatable land leading to increase in farm incomes and reduce the degradation of environment.
It encouraged increased in village self reliance for food production and to use local resources in sustainable way. It makes proper utilization of all the resources so that more and more needs can be fulfill. It also active participatory involvement in planning execution and building up of the community assets and common property resources and fast community management system for better maintenance and utilization of local resources like drinking water, schools, etc.
These grain bank and thrift society focus on generating awareness on participation of women in productive sector and performing various activities of Grain Bank, Thrift, income generation etc.