Important unshakeable direct marketing facts are listed below:
i. Higher the run of the total mailing, lower the costs per mail pack.
ii. Higher the run of the total mailing lower the conversion ratio.
iii. Testing is the key to success for every DM campaign.
iv. Forget “beautiful”, focus on promising test results.
v. The ideal B-to-B DM product has a high purchase frequency, is easy to promote cheap to pack and easy to ship.
vi. B-to-B DM is not advertising, but a selling technique.
vii. Copy should be judged according to the four Ps; Problem statement, Promise, Product and Pay-off.
viii. Every DM letter should start with a reader benefit, which should be repeated in the Ps.
ix. The headline should be big and benefit-oriented.
x. A strong visual support relating to the headline is critical for attracting attention.
xi. The copy should get to the point quickly and tie features and benefits together.
xii. One should for the return of the card, requesting more information, etc. tell the prospect what one wants him to do.
xiii. When enclosing an order form, ample space has to be provided for the buyer to fill in name, address, telephone number, etc.
xiv. Print the written address or telephone/fax number clearly. Use the “place stamp here” approach; it will qualify the respondents as being interested prospects.
xv. Always investigate the mailing density of the target group; when high, the exporter who is initiating the contact should be very creative.
xvi. Variations in the mail pack lead to renewed attention.
xvii. After sales mailing will increase customer loyalty.