The common features of the Elitist Theory are as follows:
(1) In every society, power is really enjoyed by a small group of persons who have high prestige and widespread influence. This group is called the governing elite or the power elite.
(2) The members of the governing elite occupy key positions and control the decision-making mechanism.
(3) Almost all the elite theorists agree that elite is subject to change in every society. This has been described by many as the “Circulation of Blite.”
(4) Elite theory advocates the view that democracy is in the ultimate form an ‘Oligarchy‘.
(5) Every segment of social relationship is dominated by elite.
(6) Elite theory is based on the realities of the actual working of the political system.
(7) Elite Theory is based on the basis of ability, character capacity, experience and wealth.
(8) Elite theory postulates a division of society into two groups: the Elite and the Masses, the former governs and the latter is governed.
(9) The elite theory regards “will of the people”, “sovereignty of the people”, “Government by the people” and other such characterisations created and adopted by the elites to cover, legitimise and make successful their rule over the masses.
(10) Elections are regarded by the elite theorists as mechanisms for bringing out the elite.
(11) The elite theory maintains that responsibility of the governing elite to the public is a mere myth, because experts and able persons (Elite) cannot be responsible to the ignorant.
(12) Elite theory further holds that what we call a majority rule is in reality a minority rule.
(13) Elite theory rejects the thesis that public opinion is supreme in a democratic system. It holds that public opinion is a creation of the Elite.
(14) It believes that rule of the elite is a natural and just condition without which any political system, not even a democratic system can be successful.
These are the salient and common features of the Elite theories as developed by its key exponents. When we analyse this theory as a whole it is found to be a one-sided, particularistic and partial theory. It lacks objectivity. All its exponents have been guilty of following a set of principles without subjecting these to empirical testing and critical evaluation.