As Principal of a School, I shall give top priority to discipline and good conduct of the students. I shall not only rest with moralising from the pulpit but will also give them ample opportunity and impetus to develop and create this important factor.
The first thing which an average student caters in a Higher Secondary School is a spotless teacher. If the teacher is a hardworking and an intelligent sort of man then he is bound to create an impression on the students and that alone will maintain full discipline amongst them.
I shall see that the entire staff of my institution prove their worth by example and thus win admiration of the students. As a general rule good teachers always command respect and admiration even from the worst student.
I shall direct my assistant teachers to observe all codes of good conduct to the full and I shall also see that any student who broke the discipline even in a minor way would be given exemplary punishment for that anti-disciplinary action. Routine corporal punishments will be altogether abolished.
I shall also arrange for an elected council of students and shall entrust it with all matters of discipline and conduct under the supervision of a model teacher.
Thus, the boys will inculcate a sense of responsibility and the chances of unwarranted strikes, etc. would be wholly lessened.
It shall also leave no leisure for them to plan any devilish action, I shall keep them engaged in some activity or the other and would find a hobby for all of them.
The school will be made a study centre, a work-place, a place of entertainment, a place of character and body-building, a place of military career and above all a place where the students would work at leisure and subsidize their scanty family income. This I shall do by introducing a constructive scheme which provides manual work and remuneration.
I shall also start leather work, painting and drawing classes, to impart training to those students who might like to learn these arts and crafts, i shall make provision for some economic return of the articles prepared by the students. I shall also start training in some crafts, and every student shall have to learn at least one.
These instructions and practical work would impart so much working knowledge to the students that they would be able to prepare articles of their own if they so choose even after school-career.
I shall also arrange for weekly lectures by eminent local and outside educationists and men of letters on subjects of literary, educational and practical importance.
I shall also fix up Student’s Meeting Days which will include folk-items also in the programme, which means recitation of folk-songs, playing of folk music, dancing, etc., and it will be the main part of it.
From time to time I shall organise the celebration of special literary, national and religious functions. In them, a complete information about their origin, importance and bearing, will be delineated and an effort will be made to enrich the general information of the students.
I shall also enrich the library with most up-to-date books on varied subjects and shall devise practical means to help the students to take full advantage. Today the average student has no taste for the library and this is one of the chief reasons for such a poor standard.
I wish to make them library minded. I shall make full provision for audio-visual aids and make arrangements for the display of educational films. I shall make its fullest use to impart education in subjects like Geography, General Science, Physics, etc.
Full provision for games, sports and body-building will be made and it will be made compulsory for all the students. Military training will also be given immediate attention. It will be started with marching, P.T. and handling of arms and will culminate in proficiency in shooting.
I shall also prepare cadets for military services and shall recommend to the government to give them preference in selections. All this will be done under expert advice.
Swimming and horse riding, will be encouraged and the school will maintain its own tank and horses. Likes and excursions will be arranged and every year during Dushera and summer vacations there will be organised tours.
It will be aimed to enable th2 students together first hand information about the important places of the country and thus enrich their general knowledge.
I shall also enlist parental co-operation by forming a guardian committee. Every year a function will be organised by this Committee and closer contact will be kept between the teachers and the guardians.
Quarterly meetings will be organised in order to Promote mutual understanding and I shall seek co-operation of the parents in maintaining school discipline. Social work