In each and every individuals life there are a few people who are so negative that once you have even a slightest amount of conversation with them you get a headache for the whole day. If you tell them that you are going to New Delhi boarding an airplane, they will say that be careful, airplanes are prone to accidents.
In each and every case they have to take out the negativity from any given situation.Aat times we are so much influenced by the non-stop negativity of these negative people we are also left in the same position as theirs and all that happens to us as a result is that we are left with innumerous negative thoughts popping in our heads. It is very difficult to deal with such negative people and the situations that they create.
But as they say, nothing is impossible. Dealing with negative people is also possible if one is determined to do so. There are certain factors that should be kept in mind while dealing with negative people.

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The following are the factors:
1. Avoid these People:
It is not rude to stay away from the company of negative people, if you are doing so, it is only for your own benefit and development. Whenever such a situation arises that you cannot tolerate their negative vibrations it is better for you to leave the place. It will be better for you and also for the negative person because at least he will not give words to all the negativity that exists in his or her tiny head.
2. Avoid an Argument:
It is essential to avoid arguing with a negative individual because not only will this argument immerse you into deep imbalance but your positive will also shift its focus to their negative. If that negative individual thinks that he or she has won the argument if will be good for both you and him because at least now the negative individual will shut up.
3. Stick to Light Topics:
When dealing with these negative people is unavoidable it is essential for you to stick to lighter topics. For example discuss cricket with the negative individual but never discuss politics with that individual. A simple hello and goodbye is also good for such people; do not get involved in deep conversations with them.
4. Appreciate when they Speak Something Positive:
It is essential to appreciate everyone especially a negative individual whenever he or she speaks something positive. As a result of your appreciation this negative individual might even start speaking more and more positive things because mind it, everyone loves to be appreciated.
5. Hang Out in a Group:
Never hang out alone with a negative person. Always try to be in a company of three or more so that whenever this negative individual speaks something negative a number of others are there to correct that individual.
It is essential to keep these few factors in mind if you cannot avoid the company of such negative people completely.