After the candidates have been solicited for the job by using various sources of recruitment, the sales manager has to take necessary steps to select the best possible candidates as salesmen. The main purpose of selection is to find out the right man for the right job in an organisation.
The selection procedure adopted to select a candidate usually varies from firm to firm depending upon the management and selection policy of the firm. However, in general, the usual procedure adopted for selecting candidates as salesman is as follows:
a. Application Blank:
The application blank is a formal application submitted by the person in search of a job. Usually this contains a number of questions having blank spaces to be filled up by the applicant. The questions so included are framed in such a way that answers to them would give a clear idea about the candidate. An application blank usually consists of
(i) Personal data sheet,
(ii) Job description sheet and
(iii) Man specification sheet.
The personal data sheet is to be filled up by the applicants. It contains questions seeking information about all possible personal data about the candidate which are considered essential for the job.
Job description or job analysis is a statement of the specific job responsibilities, activities and authority. All these are related to the job only and not with any individual.
Man specification sheet indicates the specific requirements of a particular job. This clearly specifies the requisite qualities of head and heart required to be a successful salesman. The qualification and qualities usually relate to educational qualifications, experience and qualities like physical fitness, mental aptitude, and personality.
The main aim of application blank is to introduce the candidate to the interview board. A careful analysis of such application forms duly filled in by the candidates helps the sales manager to form an idea about the qualifications and experiences of the candidates.
It provides an opportunity to the interviewers to prepare themselves for interviewing the candidate in an appropriate manner by putting suitable questions. This also serves as a permanent record in the record section of the organisation.
b. References:
In almost all the cases, the candidate is required to mention the names of two or three individuals, called ‘referees’. The reference information may be about the integrity of the candidate or may relate to character, educational qualification, previous experience, etc. of the candidate. After getting the references provided by the candidates, it is one of the important duties of the sales manager to verify the general character and ability of the applicant concerned from the referee.
The sales manager can also ask them to send confidential reports about the candidates. He has to check and verify the reports made by the referees about the candidates and the candidate’s own statements. The sales manager can get the accurate and frank opinion of the reference by taking them into confidence and assuring that the information so provided will not be disclosed and kept strictly confidential.
Sometimes telephone calls or personal enquiries can be made from referees in order to get correct and accurate information about the candidates. Personal contact is one of the best ways to obtain honest and frank opinion of the referees because people are more frank orally than in writing.
c. Personal Interviews:
After going through the applications and checking up the references, sales manager decides about the candidates who stand a chance for selection. Personal interview is the most common as well as important stage in the selection process. It is used to weed out misfit or unfit candidates.
In big organisations, there remains a selection committee consisting of senior executives. The panel of experts decides the number of candidates to be called for an interview.
Interview letters are sent to candidates to appear for a personal interview specifying the date, time and place. The candidates, so called are interviewed by an interviewing board to judge the merit of the candidates in relation to their ability in oral communication, personal appearance, manners, and attitude to the selling job, and life in general. Interviewers should be of unbiased mind, and skilled in grasping the mind and capacity of others.
Each member of the selection committee is provided with files of the candidates containing detailed information about the candidates, screening reports, letters, bio-data of candidates and job specification. The interview generally starts with friendly and cordial welcome to put the candidates at ease. Generally, the atmosphere at the time of the interview should be relaxed.
The interview should begin with routine a question which is generally expected by the candidates. The number of personal interviews to be conducted depends on the type of job the interview is being conducted for.
For example, in case of routine job, one formal interview may be enough. But if a job is in the management cadre, there may be two or three formal interviews. During this preliminary interview, simple and probing questions are asked to test the alertness, tact and intellectual qualities of the candidates by exchanging their views in a friendly and pleasant manner.
During the course of interview, the candidates need to be given enough opportunities to answer the questions and exchange views in a friendly environment. Scores of personal interviews are recorded and tabulated on merit basis.
d. Psychological Test:
In addition to the general personal interview, some business firms conduct psychological tests in studying the behavioural aspect of the candidates. These tests help the organisation in measuring the candidate’s ability, attitude, aptitude and character. Tests such as intelligence, personality, aptitude, achievement, interest and capacity form an integral part of such psychological tests. Intelligence test usually measures the mental capacity, knowledge, memory, tact, wit, etc. of the candidates.
The personality test measures the ability of a candidate to control his temperaments and act as the situation demands. The aptitude test measures the capacity of an applicant to learn the required skills. The interest test determines the preference of an applicant to the job. Achievement test measures the level of knowledge and proficiency of a candidate.
The capacity test measures the capacity of a candidate to use his fingers and hands at the time of need. These tests play an important role as they help to get an accurate and reliable picture about the candidates.
e. Medical Examination:
The candidates found fit as per the results of interview and tests are then sent for medical examination. Thus, the next step in the selection procedure is the physical examination of the candidate. Physical fitness is almost a prerequisite for the salesman as well as the firm. To be efficient, a salesman is required to possess a good health. In order to verify the physical fitness of the candidate, the firm conducts medical examination of the candidates on its own.
The candidate is medically examined by a pannel of company doctors who certify his fitness. Such examination helps the companies in eliminating physically unsound salesmen. As compared to indoor salesmen, travelling and technical salesmen have to undergo a strict medical examination as they require sound health to carry out their duties .efficiently. In case of minor ailments which can be cured, such ailments are overlooked by the company.
f. Final interview:
After the candidates come out successful from the interviews, psychological tests and medical examination, they are called for the final round of interview. All the information regarding the qualification, experience, reference of the candidate and the formal tests like interview, physical test, psychological test, help the selection committees to arrive at a final decision. This interview is a formal interview for the candidate.
During the final interview, the candidates are asked some crucial questions regarding their willingness to accept the job and the terms and conditions. Their communication ability, manners, presence of mind of the candidate is also observed by the selection committee before the final selection. If the selection committee is satisfied at this phase, the candidate is selected for appointment.
g. Appointment Agreement:
After the selection procedure is completed, many business firms execute service agreements with the selected candidates. Such agreements usually take the form of a legal contract which contains a clear statement of the terms and conditions of the service.
Such agreements cover a number of terms and conditions such as duties, authorities, sales territories, sales quota, remuneration, travelling expenses admissible, stipulated time period for which the salesman has to remain under probation, and so on. Some organisations insist on the signing of a bond by the salesman for remaining with the organisation for a stipulated period of time.