(1) Diffusion takes place between different societies. It is because of this that we call it inter-societal, or cross-cultural.
(2) Its spread goes to the physical space. In other words, culture diffusion takes into consideration a geographical space. If the dress pattern of the people of the plains is transmitted to the hills, it is called diffusion. Time or space is inherent to diffusion.
(3) Diffusion ends up in transformation. This transformation is observed in the receiving culture. If the Gonds begin to worship Hindu gods and goddesses, their culture experiences a new culture of worship.
It could be said that the conceptual utility of diffusion in the growth of culture was marginal only a few decades back. With the emergence of the global village, diffusion has assumed a special significance. There is a multi-way process in the present globalization context for culture transmission. Such a situation can only be explained by culture diffusion.
The total part played by this process in human culture is almost incredibly great. This is quite corollary to what has been said before to the effect that all cultures are largely hybrid composites of material that once entered them from outside. Naively, human beings do not realize this to any great extent.
It is of no advantage to a society, ordinarily, to have its members aware of the foreign source of most of their culture; nor is it a satisfaction to most individuals to be reminded of this debt to aliens. So, the fact tends to be forgotten perhaps more rapidly even than most events of history.