1. According to Linton, a very special aspect of acculturation is that it is always the impact of a dominant prestige-laden society which influences the backward people. Thus, acculturation studies the influence of a dominant culture on the subordinate culture.
However, at least theoretically, it is not true. In practice, the culture of backward people could also influence the dominant groups.
2. Acculturation studies the changes which are almost invariably not spontaneous and automatic, but purposively directed or controlled, at least in part, by the superior society through political domination or market domination.
3. Acculturation has been studied as it is intended to work; namely, to result in ultimate disappearance of the minority, in its cultural and social fusion.
Some of the features of acculturation as stated above are drawn mainly from the studies undertaken during the last few decades, but in theory the process in neutral. It is more or less reciprocal. Kroeber, in this respect, observes:
Each group of people is also likely to be developing new peculiarities even while it is taking over culture from the others. This is perhaps the most common form of acculturation: across a frontier that remains a frontier, although not a closed one.
Acculturation is a social process. It helps us to understand social historically, it was started in 1935 by cultural anthropology historical and empirical facts are obtained through this process. It is found useful also in the fields of psychology and education. In the developing countries, acculturation studies are quite popular.
There have come about a large number of acculturation studies, which are for the most part, culture change studies. Jan Breman’s study of tribals of South Gujarat, S.L. Doshi’s study of Bhils, and Beteille’s study of Sripuram village are examples of acculturation studies.
These studies held out an exciting promise of showing how the wheels of culture change go round. One can see what people have been, what they were and what they are turning into, and why. It has been like catching the dynamics of culture change in the act, almost like setting up a laboratory. This is more or less true.