The Devil in George Bernard Shaw’s Man and Superman had proclaimed that in the arts of life, man invents nothing; but in the arts of death, man outdoes nature herself. Man was made the master of all creation, the lord of the fish in the water, the beast on the Earth, and the fowl in the air. But who could have imagined that man’s fathomless brutality would make even the destructive elements of nature, red in tooth and claw, seem comparatively mild?
Peace is in pieces as powerful men indulge in the grossest hypocrisy justifying war for the sake of peace. The human civilisation fails to learn from its mistakes as we indulge in a regressive march towards doom.
America has still not quite recovered from the tragedy of 9/11 but it was the American CIA which trained the supremo of Al-Qaeda. India is sitting on a ticking time bomb, thanks to the lackadaisical mismanagement of generation of our leaders, Sri Lanka is bleeding and Israel and Palestine face an eternal Armageddon. Fierce civil strife and domestic violence cumber large parts of South Asia and Africa.
Man, not content with his ‘civilised’ attempts at destroying himself and civilisation has been trigger-happy with the animal world so that tigers and lions are on their way to becoming extinct. Man’s destructive self endangers the entire environment, nay, Creation itself. Despite solely possessing the intelligence to conserve the environment, man is bent on destroying it! Is this being peaceful?
What does the future hold for mankind? The mirage of personal profit being fanatically pursued by Machiavellian maniacs shall lead to universal doom. The sensible voice of the angels of peace like Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa are disappearing as we fail to realize that only the dead have seen the end of war.
The price of human blood is getting cheaper by the day; the redness of the rose tends to frighten us!