A school magazine is an integral part of school life. In most cases, it is a periodical published by the school authorities, consisting of contributions from the students and teachers of that particular institution. Publishing a magazine is a long-drawn-out process. Initially, an editorial board is constituted consisting of the editor- in-chief, managing editor, editorial coordinator, photographer, copy editor, illustrator and so on. The editor-in-chief is usually appointed by the headmaster, and the editor is often a teacher who coordinates the editorial and publishing work for the institution.
Several student editors from different classes and sections assist the editor in his/her work. The expenses of publishing the magazine are usually borne by the school authorities. Sometimes, members of the school alumni also volunteer to sponsor the magazine, especially specific anniversary issues commemorating the centennial, silver or golden jubilee celebrations of the institution.
The contents of a school magazine usually pertain to the activities of the school, and its circulation by and large is limited to that school. Though a particular school magazine lacks general public interest, it is extremely relevant to the students, teachers and authorities of the school where it is published. Sometimes, copies are sent as souvenirs to relevant institutions and dignitaries.
The nature and frequency of publication may vary from one institution to another. It may be published annually, half-yearly or even quarterly. The magazine, as the organ of the institution, is an apt medium of self expression for the pupils there. It usually contains a wide variety of essays and compositions—fiction, poetry, reports of various activities, cartoons and drawings.
The editorial team polishes the articles to be published. Illustrations and cartoons are diligently planned. Paintings and photographs of students also find place in the magazine. Distinguished performances and achievements of both students and staff find pride of place in the magazine.
The school magazine is a symbol of pride and a miniature representation of the school. Any individual going through the magazine would clearly gauge the principles, values and ideology of the institution. The benefits of a school magazine are immense. The magazine promotes creativity and nurtures the latent skills of young minds. Any article, poem or artwork published in the magazine serves as a source of encouragement for the budding author or artist.
A school magazine is a collective team effort. Hence, while putting together a magazine, students learn to function and work as a team. The reports of various clubs in the school serve to boost the profile of the institution. For any individual taking an interest in the school or willing to get his or her son/daughter admitted to the school a quiet perusal of the school magazine would provide the much needed relevant information. I feel it is the best way to gauge the academic, extra-curricular and co-curricular index of the school.