A poem beautifully described the strength of belief and how positively life is being seen and the benefits of strong belief. The poem is split into fifteen stanzas, each of four lines, expressing the strength of belief in each area in each of these stanzas.
The first stanza explains about simple happening in life and how string belief in those little things could alter one’s life. The poet believes that unless we get hurt over a doing, we never get to realize the mistake from that mistake only we would be able to gain anything in slice, when coming for the next time. Similarly, doing things the easy way is not right, you will get stuck somewhere in life. Taking the longer route might be a tough initially, but eventually will do good only. Being selfish, in aspects is not right as selfish people gain only for the time being, being selfless is being righteous.
In the second stanza, the poet says that there is always a second chance for anything in life, even if we miss the first chance. She believes in life long romance, where the depth of love holds, she believes that there is life after death and to stand strong against all odds in life boldly.
In the third stanza, the poet says that love at first sight does give us a notion about us; similarly, taking revenge is of no use and is not the right mannerism. Getting an impression of a person or situation at the first go, does leave an impact for a lifetime and in life, there is nothing as good as having a good laugh that relaxes us from all troubles.
In the fourth stanza, the poet says about the belief in having a dream as, with strong beliefs, a dream does come true and that there is destiny for every person and she strongly believes in destiny. And having patience on any account, would always end in good results and the wait is always rewarded and in life, find love is never late.
The fifth stanza says that there are always ups and downs in life, for every up, a down happen and similarly, for every happiness a sorrow does follow. No matter what, we all have a guardian angel watching us and guarding us, and if you do well in your life, you will be rewarded for it at any point of life. That is a belief.
In the next stanza, the poet talks about her beliefs in natural happenings like, every new day dawns with the sunrise and what happened the previous day is the past, for some things that happen in life, there is no explanation that could be given and no money in the world could buy the little affection that we all seek and desire. One never realizes the value of one’s possession, unless one looses it.
In the next stanza, the belief talks about living life happily and every smile is contagious and to live without regrets is a blessing. Live life outrageous and life does get better, with each day passing by.
The next stanza says about the belief that we are being watched for our deeds by God and that we would be punished for every small reason. Each one of us is blessed with a good friend to show us the path and instead of making a fuss over little things, try making the best out of it.
The next two stanzas speak about the belief in family values. We should always remember Family should come first and living in harmony is the best thing that one could do to make a day beautiful. And in the absence of a person is when you get fonder of and in life, every experience teaches you a lesson to be learnt. Do not sit and wonder, you will lose time that could not be bought back and only regretted.
The next two stanza talks about the belief that everyone does have a true love and as time goes by, things and views in life get better with age. The world is a stage and to learn how to live, you should live in and pass. One single moment could change your entire life, and still when in a mess, there is always a way out.
Towards the last of the poem, the poet talks about the believes in having a true friend, the power of song and the healing power it holds, the power of love. Looking life at the brighter side is the biggest way to live life to the fullest as life is only once and when we pass, people will grieve.
A beautiful poem said in a simple manner, to explain about the simple beauties of life, IF we believe it will happen. The strength of inner belief is very powerful, that we could even achieve things with belief and prayers.