This poem on marriage is a beautiful poem written by Sylvia Chidi. It has given a depth meaning to the most beautiful relationship between man and woman.
The two don’t just happen to meet just like that and then walk away. At some point of life, one does meet one’s life partner and then make the greatest decision in their lives.
Here, Sylvia says or describes that a marriage takes place out of pure love only. Without loving each other, you cannot get into a long lasting relationship. Marriage is a new beginning, a new journey in life, a new experience that lasts for a life time. Sometimes, a marriage happens after knowing the person for a very long time, sometimes it just happens of the blue. Whatever it may be, it is an instant feeling of a bond between two hearts and souls.
The strong base or foundation of any marriage is the trust and understanding between the two. Marriages are built on trust. If the trust between the man and woman is strong, that bond is everlasting and there is no wonderful relationship that being in a marriage.
However, if the base has gone wrong, then the marriage is doomed and many people find themselves lost for giving up on marriages and they may have had to pay very expensive cost for it, sacrifice something really dear to them to get themselves out, just for not having trust on each other.
Even though marriages occur everyday, there are only a few who really understands when are they in true love, or who is their true love. Only when that is been felt does a marriage occur well. As the saying goes ‘Marriages are made in Heaven’ and that is when exactly we experience true love.
In marriage, if money is given priority, then that marriage is doomed for ever. But if it is filled with love, it is an everlasting bond. In a marriage when there is pure love between the man and woman, then they become one heart, one soul and one body and that is what a good marriage is all about.
Marriages may sometimes be successful, some time would be failures. There are many reasons for both. To get it successful, it is not only love and care, it also involves, understanding, forgiving, accepting who your partner is for what they are, and being there for each other, no matter comes your way. Failures can happen, when these factors are missing and when marriage is considered only for physical contact and money making, then there a relationship does not exist, just that a man and woman are under one roof for existence.
Hence, if a marriage is taken place out of true love and understanding then that marriage is for real and would be there till the end, if it is for fancy and in a dream world it takes place, then that may not have a long duration. Marriage is a divine and pure relationship and the beauty of it could be understood only by experiencing it. It is like a good wine; the more it ages, the better it gets!