Women have played a very important role in human society. They are creator; they should be given facility to get knowledge so that they may earn their own bread.
Women should be taught about environmental deterioration and protection as they have played a significant role in environmental movement such as chipko movement; they played a role in protestation against the commercial exploitation of the Himalaya forest.
Now the world has awaken and United Nations in 1995 realized and recognized women’s need in planning of natural resources and decision-making process.
Some of the programmes taken for women’s betterment are given below:
1. Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
2. Balika Samridhi Yojana
3. Indira Mahila Yojana
4. Mahila Samridhi Yojana
5. Employment and Income Generating Training-cum-Production Centres
6. Rashtriya Mahila Kosh
7. Short Stay Home for Women and Girls
8. Programme of Development of Women & Children in rural areas.
Problems Affecting Women Education
(a) Undernourishment
(b) Malnutrition
(c) Sexual harassment and abuse
(d) Lower socio-economic status
(e) Infections
(f) Forced for uncontrolled reproduction
(g) Limited education
Sarwa Shiksha Abhiyan
It is a national mission which provides quality education for 8 years between 6 and 14 years. It has following targets to achieve-
(a) By the year 2002, all districts are to be covered by the programme.
(b) By the year 2003, all children are to be taken to school, education guarantee centers and alternative school or back-to-school campus.
(c) By the year 2007, all children must complete 5 years of education.
(d) By the year 2010, all children must complete 8 years of quality elementary education.
Programme of Development of Women in Rural Areas
To improve the socio-economic status of poor women at rural areas, it has been designed to congregate women and manage themselves to originate income generating activities.