Man is essentially a peace loving entity, but greed, passion, misguidance etc. lead a person to adopt a violent behaviour. Violence has created havoc throughout the world. Every country in the world is facing some kind of violence or the other.
Extremism, terrorism and assassinations have become the external expression of violent behaviour. Every day the newspaper reports various acts of violence and it is indeed disturbing to read about violence at home, in colleges, in politics and even in schools.
People live under great pressure in these times of ours. There are political problems in all the countries of the world. Citizens want more freedom and more facilities from the government. When their demands are not met, they resort to violence against their fellow countrymen just to attract the attention of the government to their problems. They burn buses, bomb buildings, cause bomb blasts on stations, bus stops, in trains, on flight in an aeroplarne-no place seems safe any more since the people who resort to terrorism and violence are absolutely irrational and in their mindlessness they bring great harm to themselves and their fellow countrymen.
We often hear about the threat to the lives of various important people. The more important a person becomes, the more he becomes a possible target for violence. At present people live under a perennial fear of terrorism and a great sense of insecurity haunts them.
A lot of money is being spent by the government to check the menace of terrorism. This money could have been used for some more constructive purpose had the terrorists given a thought about peace. Violence causes the misuse of power and this is always a dangerous thing to happen.
Many youth are involved in violence. Since the youth are the most fiery and hot blooded they are the first ones to resort to violence. Foreign countries exploit the weakness of such youth and influence them in such a way |hat they begin to hate their own country.We have to be very careful of such a threat to our country and protect ourselves from such a thing happening to us.
Violence against women has also become common. Dowry deaths are common in India. If a girl does not bring enough dowry to her husband’s family, she is burnt to death by her in-laws. This is prevalent in some families although this is not a common feature where the family is educated and liberal.
Female infanticide is also common where a female child is killed at birth because the parents fear dowry. Rape is often another violent act that we have seen women becoming the target of.
We have to give peace a chance so that this world becomes a better place to live in.