District Industries Centres (DIC):
District Industries Centres are meant for promotion of Small, Tiny, Village and Cottage Industries. These act as a focal point.
They provide essential services and support to the entrepreneurs at all investment stages at the district level.
The main aim of the DICs is to develop such industrial units in rural areas and small towns of the country as would create larger employment opportunities in those areas.
There are Project Managers in DICs who act as technical officers and provide technical services to the new entrepreneurs as well as to the existing units.
These officers play a vital role in modernisation and upgradation of technology of small scale sector.
The DICs prepare Act Plans for their area covered under DIC programme keeping in view the local resources and infrastructure available such as electricity, water supply, transport, sheds, banking facilities etc.
These action plans are prepared taking into account the District Credit Plan framed by Lead Bank and plans of all other promotional and development agencies in the area, like Handlooms, Board, Handicrafts Board, Coir Board, Sericulture Board, Khadi & Village Industries Board, Banks etc.
There are 419 DICs in the country which cover 428 districts. The four metropolitan cities of Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras are not covered by DICs.
State Small Industries Corporations (SSIC):
The State Industries Corporations provide the following services:
1. Raw materials, assistance in marketing the export of small scale and tiny sector products.
2. They obtain critical scarce raw materials from the State Trading Corporation, Metals and Minerals Trading Corporation, Steel Authority of India Limited, Cement Corporation of India etc. and release raw materials to small scale units as recommended by the State Director of Industries.
3. In some states, SSICs also allot sheds/plots in industrial estates/ areas.
Small Industry Service Institute (SISI):
Throughout the country, in the state capitals and at other place 28 Small Industry Service Institutes and its 3G branches have been set up.
Main Functions:
1. To work as a liaison between Central and State Government.
2. Technical assistance and advice services.
3. To undertake entrepreneurial development programmes.
4. To make efforts for development.
5. To work as mediator for promoting export.
State Industrial Development Corporation (SIDC)
SIDCs render the following services:
1. Identify, promote and finance medium and large scale industrial units in public/joint/assisted sectors.
2. In some states they also develop infrastructural facilities for setting up industrial estates/areas.
State Export Corporations:
These Corporations have been recognised as Export Houses by the Government. They compete in international markets to obtain orders for execution by the small scale units.
Other Corporations at the State Level:
In some states there is Separate Corporation for the promotion of investment and infrastructure and goods like Leather, Brassware, Electronics, Handlooms, Handicrafts etc.
They also help and guide the entrepreneurs in marketing and export of their products.
Testing and design development facilities are also provided to the artisans, craftsmen and entrepreneurs by these corporations.
In addition, training courses are organised to upgrade the skills of workers, craftsmen and artisans.