Short Essay on the Rights of Disabled Persons – Disabled people have as much right to live with dignity as any other person. Fortunately, the law recognizes it, and has made due provisions so that the disabled could lead a normal life.
Internationally, too, the proclamation on the Full Participation and Equality of the People with Disabilities in the Asian and Pacific Region is a landmark in this regard.
India is also a signatory to this proclamation and enacted the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act in 1995. Thus, both I domestic laws and the international proclamations provide for the enforcement of the rights of the disabled, and, also, to promote their welfare.
The rights and benefits include the protection of rights, provisions of medical care, education, training, employment and rehabilitation.
These rights also include a barrier free environment for persons with disabilities, removal of discrimination against persons with disabilities in the sharing of developmental benefits, and other social security measures including establishment of homes for persons with severe disabilities, reservation in various posts and services, research and manpower development including vocational training.
The law not only makes provisions but also provides for machinery for the enforcement. For the implementation of these provisions, the Chief Commissioners are appointed at the central and state level.
They have the powers to monitor the funds disbursed by the Central and State Governments in order to ensure that the funds released for the benefit of the people with disabilities are spent in the prescribed manner and for the stipulated purposes only.