Short Essay on Other Branches of Sociology – In addition to the fields of inquiry cited above, sociologists have explored a few other fields also. They are:
(1) Medical Sociology, (2) Military Sociology, (3) Folk Sociology, (4) Criminology, (5) Sociology of Art, (6) Sociology of Small Groups, (7) Sociology of Sexual Behaviour, (8) Sociology of Culture, (9) Sociology of Aesthetics, (10) Sociology of Communication and Opinion, (11) Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations, (12) Sociology of Popular Culture and Recreation, (13) Sociology of Social Structure, (14) Sociological Methodology, (15) Sociology of Group Relations, (16) Sociology of Differentiation and Stratification, (17) Sociology of the Community and Locality Relations, (18) Sociology of the Graphic and Plastic Arts, (19) Sociology of Complex Organisations, (20) Sociology of Planning for Development in Underdeveloped Areas, (21) Sociology of International Relations, (22) Sociology of Collective Behaviour, (23) Sociology of Mass Society, (24) Sociology of Age Statuses (i.e. Adolescence, Middle Age, Old Age), (25) Statistics and Quantitative Sociology, (26) Sociology of Action [welfare], (27) Social Psychology, (28) Social Psychiatry, (29) Social Disorganisation or Pathology, (30) Sociological Theory.
Sociology has already made intensive studies in fields like social stratification, mass media of communication, public opinion and bureaucracy. The horizons of sociology are expanding gradually. Its scope is becoming wider and wider to encompass all the realms of man’s social life.