Born in 1770 in the princely state of Wurtemberg (Southern Germany), Hegel studied theology because his father wanted him to become a clergyman. In 1793, He got the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) from the University of Tubingon. Thereafter he became a tutor at Bern and Frankfurt and worked as such for about seven years. In 1801, he got a job as lecturer at the University of Jena and later became a Professor.
In 1816, he was appointed Professor of Philosophy at the University of Heidelberg and in 1818; he became Professor of Philosophy at the Berlin University. This position was held till then by the renowned German philosopher Fichte. Along with this assignment Hegel also worked as the official advisor of Emperor of Prussia (Germany).
He held these two positions till his death in 1830. Hegel wrote extensively on various aspects of Political Philosophy. It was at Jena that he wrote his first major work Phenomenology of Mind, which was published in 1807. This was followed by publication of Science of Logic in 1811 -12.
After the publication of this work, Hegel earned the recognition as an outstanding philosopher of Germany. His third work, Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences, which he wrote during his stay at Heidelberg, made him famous all over Europe. It was at Berlin that he wrote his major work in political theory, Philosophy of Right.
He also delivered very scholarly and brilliant lectures, which were published by his son after his death under, the title, Philosophy of History. His writings and lectures and his many positions as Advisor of the emperor earned him international fame and won him many followers. He became not only the King of philosophers but also the philosopher of kings.