Department of Wastelands Development was created in July 1992 and was placed under the Ministry of Rural Development (now Ministry of Rural Areas & Employment).
The National Wastelands Development Board (NWDB) was reconstituted under the Department of Wastelands Development and was given new mandate for regeneration and development of wastelands in non-forest areas aimed at checking land degradation, putting such wastelands to sustainable use and increasing biomass availability, specially fuel wood and fodder.
Programme Profiles:
Department of Wastelands Development is implementing the following programmes for achieving its objectives:
1. The Integrated Wastelands Development Project (IWDP) Scheme:
From 1.4.95 the IWDP Scheme is being implemented on watershed basis through integrated land management practices involving the people and providing modalities for equitable sharing of benefits arising from the same.
In-situ soil and moisture conservation, location specific conservation engineering including water harvesting structure, raising of multi-purpose trees, shrubs, grasses, legumes and pasture form integral part of the scheme.
The watershed development approach has been adopted for all area development programmes-DPAP, DDP, IWDP and watershed component of EAS-implemented by the Ministry.
Common Guidelines have been formulated and are applicable to all these programmes. The funding under these guidelines is at the rate of Rs. 4,000 per ha.
Up to 31 March, 1997, 155 (128 under old guidelines and 27 under new guidelines) IWDP projects were sanctioned under the scheme with a total outlay of Rs. 394.07 crores to treat total project areas of 6.25 lakh ha.
2. Technology Development, Extension & Training (TDET):
The main objectives of the scheme are to establish technical database and to provide assistance to such projects which are required for filling the gaps existing in the present technology.
To begin with, the scheme would aim at compilation of important technical data base on the wastelands development technologies/techniques and models.
Since the formation of the new Department, about 66 projects have been launched under this scheme with the collaboration with ICAR, State Agriculture Universities, research institutions and other organisations.
In collaboration with Israel, a project on JOJOBA for transfer of their technology to arid and semi-arid wastelands development has been launched during 1994-95.
3. Support to NGOs/VAs (Grants-in-Aid) Scheme:
Under this scheme, 100% Central grant is made available to registered voluntary agencies, cooperatives, mahila mandals, yuva mandals and other similar organisations for undertaking work directly or indirectly encouraging a forestation and wastelands development.
Projects meant for awareness rising, appropriate technology application, training, extension and publicity are also considered under this scheme.
Up to 31.3.97, total number of 234 VAs have been assisted under this scheme and have been provided financial assistance to the tune of Rs. 13.75 crores for development of about 18,900 ha. of land.
4. Investment Promotional Scheme:
The objective of the scheme is to facilitate/attract resources from financial institutions, corporate bodies, user Industries, etc. for the development of wastelands in non-forest areas.
Under the scheme, corporate bodies, user industries, etc. can avail themselves of financial assistance for projects cleared by banks/NABARD up to 25% of the approved cost of a project, subject to a maximum of Rs. 25 lakhs for a project.
So far only 4 projects with a total project cost of Rs. 74.12 lakhs have been sanctioned. In view of poor performance of the scheme, the Working Group for 9th Five Year Plan has recommended that the scheme may be modified after in depth consultation with NABARD, commercial banks and corporate sectors.
Action has been initiated for restructuring the scheme.
5. Wastelands Development Task Force (WDTF):
Wastelands Development Task Force has been set up with the objective to provide disciplined force for regeneration of wasteland through a forestation including:
i. In situ soil and moisture conservation
ii. Plantation and its protection/maintenance
Employment of ex-servicemen:
The force consists of 300 ex-servicemen under the command of the Territorial Army and a Core Group of 15 Army/Territorial Army Personnel.
To start with the Force has been deployed for the development of the ravines of Chambal in Morena district.
During 1996-97, the Force has developed 380 ha. of degraded land in the ravines of Chambal and is expected to develop the remaining 820 ha. of degrades land to be made available to it by the State Government of Madhya Pradesh during 1997-98.