The world conference on Human rights recommends the increased coordination in support of Human rights and the fundamental freedom with United Nation system. It calls regional organization and prominent international and regional finance and development institution to access also their policies and programmed on enjoyment of Human rights.
The UN organs, bodies, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organization deal with Human rights played an important role in promotion, formulation, and implementation of Human rights standard. The world conference urges all the organs whose activities deal with Human rights to cooperate in order to strengthen, rationalize their activities.
It also recommends to secretary General that high level official of relevant United Nation bodies and specialized agencies at their annual meeting, impact of their strategies on the enjoyment of Human rights. They also request Secretary General and General Assembly to provide sufficient human, financial and other resources to centre of Human rights to enable to carry all activities effectively.
The world conference on Human rights ensures the human financial resources are available to carry out Human rights activities urges Secretary General in accordance with article 101 of Charter of United Nation and member states to adopt the coherent approach aimed at securing that resources commensurate to increased mandate are allocated to secretariat.
They also invite the secretary general to consider whether adjustment to procedure in programme budget cycle would be necessary on helpful to ensure the timely and effective implementation Human rights activities by member states.
The word conferences on Human rights strongly recommend that concerted efforts be made to encourage and facilitate the ratification and accession to international Human rights treaties and protocols adopted with the framework of United Nation system with aim of universal acceptance.
They consider limiting the extent of any reservation they lodge to international human right instruments, formulate any reservation precisely and-narrowly as possible, ensures that none is incompatible with the object and purpose of relevant treaty and review any reservation with a view of withdrawing them.
The world conference on Human rights, recognizing the need to maintain consistency with high quality of existing international standard to avoid proliferation of Human rights instrument. It recommend that Human rights officer be assigned is any when necessary to regional offices of united nation organization with the purpose of disseminating information and offering training and technical assistance in field of Human rights upon the request concerned member states.
Human rights training for international civil servant who are assigned to work relating to Human rights should be organized. The conference also welcomes the conveying of emergency session of commission of Human rights as a positive initiative and the organs of United Nation responding to acute violation to Human rights.
The world conference of Human rights stresses the importance of strengthening the United Nation centre for Human rights. It coordinate role centre of Human rights also implies that the office of centre for human right in New York is strengthened. It should be adequate means for system of experts, working groups and treaty bodies.
Follow up on recommendation should become priority matter for consideration by commission on Human rights. The centre for Human rights should assume a larger role in the promotion of Human right. This role could be given shape through cooperation with member states and by an enhanced programme of advisory service and technical assistance.
The existing voluntary funds will have to be expanded substantially for the purpose and should be managed is more efficient and coordinated way. The centre should information meeting open to all member states and organization directly involved in these projects and programmes.
The conference recognizing the necessity for a continuing adoption of United Nation human rights machinery to the current and future need in promotion and protection of human rights, as reflected in present declaration on and within framework of balanced and sustainable development for all people.
The United Nations human rights organ should improve their coordination, efficiency and effectiveness. The world conference concerned by growing disparities between the activities of centre Human rights and human, financial other resources available to carry them out and hearing in mind the resources needed for other important United nation programme, request the secretary General and General Assembly to take immediate step to increase sustain the resources for human rights programme form within the existing and future regular budget of United Nation, to take step to seek increased resources. Voluntary funds of centre technique cooperation activities should reinforce this enhanced budget and it calls for generous contribution to existing trust funds.
The world conference on human rights recommends the strengthening of UN activities and programmes to meet request for assistance by states which want to establish and strengthen national institution for promotion and protection of human rights.
It continued to work on improvement of the functioning, including monitoring tasks, of treaty bodies, taking into account multiple proposals made in this respect, in particular those made by treaty themselves and by the meetings of chairperson of treaty bodies. The comprehensive national approach taken by the committee on the Right of Child should be encouraged.
The world conference on human rights convened to day at Vienna mark, defining moments when entire community of state itself under gaze of world. United Nation General Assembly requested Secretary – General to seek the views of government and organization concerned disability of convening a world conference on human rights, it was remarkable historical institution.
It was based on freedom, democracy and human rights. Human rights constitute common languages of humanity. Adopting this language allows all peoples to understand other and to be author of their own history. Human rights are the ultimate norms of all politics and gave priority be given to national and international action to promote democracy, development and peace.
The special emphasis should be given to measures to assist in building and strengthening of institution relating to human rights, strengthening of pluralistic civil society and protection of groups which have been rendered vulnerable.
Assistance provided upon the request of government of conduct of free and fair election, including assistance in human rights aspect of election and public information about election. The equally importance is assistance to be given to strengthening of rule of law, promotion of freedom of expression and administration justice, to effective implementation of rights and effective participation of people in decision – making process.
The world conference make stresses the need for the implementation of strengthened advisory services and technical assistance activities by centre of human right. The centre should make available to state upon request assistance on specific human rights issues, preparation of report under human right treaties as well as implementation of comprehensive plan of action for promotion and protection of human rights, training of official, broad based education and public information aimed at promoting respect for human rights should be available as component of these programme.
It strongly recommend that comprehensive programme be established within the United Nation in order to help states in task of building and strengthening adequate national structure which have direct impact on universal observance of human right and maintenance of rule of law.
Centre of human rights requested the government, technical and financial assistance to national project in reforming penal and correctional establishment, educational and training of lawyer,, judges and other sphere of activity relevant to good functioning of rule of law and make implementation for protection and promotion of human rights.
It reaffirms that universal and in alienate right to development, as established in declaration on right to development must be implemented and realized. It takes effective measures to eliminate to right of development and realization of rights. The non-governmental organization played a major role in the national and international level and make cooperation with government.
Cooperation should based on dialogue and transparency. The world conference encourages the commission on human rights in cooperation with committee on economic, social and cultural rights to continue with protocols to international covenant on economic and cultural rights. It request assistance for purposes as regional and sub-regional workshop, seminar and information exchanges designed to strengthen regional arrangement for protection of human rights as contained in human rights instruments.
The world conference coordination with United Nation to ensure effective promotion and protection of trade union rights, as stipulated in the international covenant on economic, social cultural rights and it call on state to abide fully by their obligation in regard contained in international instruments.
Human rights education, training and public information are essential for achievement of stable and harmonious relationship among communities and for fostering peace, mutual understanding and create awareness of mutual tolerance and human rights.