Essay on the Science of Criminology !
It is difficult to treat criminology as a science in the real sense of the term. As Sutherland rightly pointed out, the essence of science lies in general propositions of universal validity which can be made only in regard to stable and homogenous units. Crime which is the subject matter of criminology, is neither stable nor homogenous concept.
It is rather a variable content changing from place to place and time to time, and therefore scientific criminal behaviour is impossible. Prof. Sellin also observed that crimes are like any other social phenomenon which have no stable unit. In his view, the ultimate object of criminology is to study law-making and reactions to law-breaking from the point of view of efficacy of law as an instrument of social control.
The gravity of crime as a social problem lies in the fact that it affects the public at large. The sufferings caused to the public may sometimes be direct as found in case of theft; treason, destruction of property etc. or it may even be indirect as in case of rape, the loss of reputation, etc.
The importance of the study of criminology lies in considering crime as a symptom of social disorganisation. It is an indication that there is something wrong somewhere in the society which needs to be looked into. It is well known that the essence of science lies in universal application of its general principles.
Obviously, the present criminology does not respond favourably to this crucial test of science. Nevertheless, criminologists are constantly striving to work out standard rules for prevention of crime and criminals which may ultimately be generalised as fundamental principles of criminology in the coming time.
Commenting on the feasibility of criminology as a science, Dr. Hurwitz observed that even if criminology is unlikely ever to discover any universal prescription for a patent medicine against future criminality because of the great variety of factors in real life which cannot be comprised in a single criminal policy, the criminological researches have started influencing the general and professional mentality and a rational view of several questions connected with criminality is bound to emerge sooner or later. Dr. Radzinowicz has also expressed similar views regarding scientific approach to criminology.