In fact, objections are an indispensable part of salesmanship. When approached, prospects develop a kind of resistance. However, there is a difference between real objection and lame excuse. Therefore, at times, it becomes difficult to differentiate between objections and excuses.
However, excuses consist part of objections. Real objections are usually expressed after the sales talk of the salesman. In case of real objections, the prospect truly feels and frankly expresses the objections to the salesman. This is not done to offend the salesman or to avoid a purchase. Rather, prospects raise objections to understand more clearly the sales proposition.
In case of real objections, the attitude of the prospect is clear. He sincerely puts questions which show his real interest to purchase. The objections may be raised regarding the quality or price of the product or the language of the salesman.
On the other hand, false objections often termed as ‘excuses’ are raised just to evade and avoid the purchase. Suspects or lookers usually raise excuses because they really do not intend to purchase. Such excuses are raised usually during the course of the sales talk.
Excuses are raised to get rid of the salesman. Instead of telling it to the salesman, the suspects and lookers use sentences like, ‘I will look around first’, ‘I must discuss it with my friend / wife / husband / family members’, ‘I will buy it later’, and so on in order to avoid the sale anyhow. Most often, it is observed that genuine objections are raised frequently in order to know better about the sales proposition or remove doubts.
Besides, real and genuine objections are raised by the prospects since they really intend buying the product. Therefore, they raise objections to gather more information and knowledge for buying decisions. Whereas, ‘suspects’ or ‘lookers’ who have little intention to purchase, raise ‘excuses’ with the ultimate motive of avoiding the proposed sale.
In case of prospects, the intentions regarding objections are clear and honest. But excuses are made only with a negative intention. More importantly, objections may have real solutions in the form of meeting the same by the salesman. Excuses, on the other hand, have no solution at all because they are negative ideas which have little chance for revival.