It’s no magic bullet, but the benefits of water are many.
Almost 72% of the earth is composed of water and when a baby is born, nearly 78% of its body is composed of water. Nature itself reveals the importance of water in a human body and on the earth as a whole. Why is it important to drink water? The reasons are many:
1. Drinking at least 2 liters of water every day flushes all our impurities and guarantees a healthy body all the time.
2. Drinking this required amount of water every day guarantees beautiful skin and who does not wish for a beautiful skin. Some are blessed with a beautiful skin and the others can create this blessing for themselves; no hard work just drinking a little more water than usual does the trick.
3. Drinking enough water today is like drinking a magic potion which in itself is sufficient for removing all the diseases of your body. You can never suffer from constipation for instance if you drink enough water regularly.
4. Our whole body and the digestive system in particular work perfectly, all the organs work in synchronization with each other if they are fed with a few glasses of water every day.

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In hot countries especially in Asia drinking enough water is the most important resource which is responsible to what today is called ‘beat the heat’. Whether you stay in air-conditioners the whole day or bath twice or thrice a day, it can never make a difference internally but you will feel cool externally for sure.
The earth as stated earlier contains 72% of water. This is nature signaling us the importance of drinking water. It is possible to survive without food for days; but surviving without water is impossible by any means.
Due to the daily loss of water through the process of dehydration, it is essential to drink plenty of water to maintain the body balance. As a result of drinking water, the fluids of the body which are lost because of excessive sweating, playing and urinating are regained again. Apart from cleaning the body from inside water is also needed by our body muscles to keep them toned and firm.
Ask any beauty expert and any healthy individual the secret behind their beauty and health respectively, they will answer drinking lots and lots water every single day is being one of their major secrets. Drinking water is essential but what should be kept in mind is that drinking pure and filtered water is essential.
If you drink unfiltered water, you will attract more diseases instead of staying healthy you will become ill. Drinking plenty of water every day is essential for all, men and women, young and old in general.