Warmth from sun heats the surface of the earth. Earth absorbs most of the energy but reflects back some energy in the form of infra red radiation. Greenhouse gases e.g. C02. Methane, CFC (Chloro Fluoro Carbon). Nitrous oxide present in atmosphere transmit the infrared radiation and reflects back to earth.
This reflected energy falls on earth and also at lower atmosphere and keeps it warmer i.e., heats the earth’s surface. This is called global warming or green house effect.
Effect of Global Warming on World and Agriculture:
i. Increases overall temperature on earth.
ii. Causes changes in climate tremendously
iii. Results in melting of ice in polar region
iv. Increases sea level resulting in submerging of coastal areas
v. Flooding and intense down pours
vi. Drought in warmer regions
Impact of Global Warming on Pest Status:
i. Due to change in climate, temperature and water availability, the farmers may change the type of crops grown.
ii. Due to increase in temperature, there can be outbreak of certain insect pests and diseases.
iii. In forest areas there will be a shift in tree species and also pest species.
iv. In agriculture lands since cropping pattern is changed, new crops are introduced to suit the climate and new pests are also introduced.
v. When water availability is less, crops will be raised as rainfed. It will be difficult to take up control measures without water.