Characteristics of Work Delegation are as follows:
(1) Delegation takes place when a superior grants some discretion to a subordinate. The subordinate must act within the limits prescribed by the superior. He is not free to use authority arbitrarily but has to use its subject to the policies and rules of the organisation.
(2) A manager cannot delegate the entire authority to his subordinates because if he delegates all his authority he passes his position to the subordinates.
(3) Generally authority regarding routine decisions and for execution of policies is delegated to subordinates. A manager retains the authority to take policy decisions and to exercise control over the activities of Subordinates.
(4) Delegation does not mean abdication of responsibility. No manager can escape from his obligation by delegating authority to subordinates. Therefore, he must provide a means of checking upon the work that is done for him to ensure that it is done as he wishes.
(5) The extent of authority, which is delegated, depends upon several factors, e.g. the ability of the executive to delegate, the ability of the subordinates to accept delegation, the philosophy of management, the confidence of the superior in his subordinates, etc.
(6) Delegation does not imply reduction in the authority of a manager. A superior retains authority even after delegation. Delegation does not mean a manager loses control and power. He can reduce, enhance or take back the delegated authority.
(7) Delegation may be specific or general, written or implied formal or informal. Delegation does not mean avoiding decisions or abandonment of work.
(8) Delegation is an art because (a) it is creative, (b) it is practice based, (c) it involves use of personal skills, (d) it is result-oriented, and (e) it is a personalised process.