Essay on Science, Religion and God – The concept of God too has been undergoing a radical change in the modern world. Science may not remain behind in joining hands with religion.
The tensions created by science have brought man back to God. Science has led man to the mysteries of electrons, neutrons and protons.
An atomic fission results in the diffusion of unlimited energy. Once diffused abruptly man has no control over it. Man has reached space only around the earth. What is beyond those innumerable suns, planets and other bodies? Can man have a say in the functioning of this universe no.
Then what sustains this balance of the Galaxy? Scientists are gradually coming to the view that all this is the manifestation of Energy in a balanced manner. His fission of Energy is just less than a drop in the vast sea of Energy in the galaxies.
The energy is infinite infinity is Zero. Zero has no dimension. Everything in the world is a manifestation of this energy in one shape or the other. Religious thinkers in the Vedic and Vedantic cult too think that God is infinite and manifests Himself in different shapes in the universe.
The physical existence of man is transitory but the manifestation of God in him in the shape of energy is perennial. It may manifest in some other shape or fuse itself in its own vastness.
It may return to the body it has left if the efforts are in the right direction and if the physical elements of the body can sustain it. Otherwise it takes its own course of fusion with its vast existence. The finale of Science and Religion just coincides on the same note.
Important Points to Remember about this Essay:
1. The concept of God has been changing with the cohesion of Science.
2. Tensions of Science have brought man back to God.
3. Man cannot control the diffusion of energy or the vast Universe.
4. Scientists believe that balanced energy which is infinite sustains the universe.
5. Vedic religion believes that God is infinite manifesting Himself in everything as energy which is perennial.
6. Physical existence is temporary.
7. After physical decay energy fuses in its vast existence.
8. The finale of Science and Religion is the same.