Essay on Marxists Theory of Criminality !
Marxists have propagated a view that crimes emerge solely out of capitalist domination of society. Under such society the upper class can exploit the weak, put them in physical danger, and transgress their human rights either with impunity or with only lighter punishment. The Marxists believe that unfair division of labour and capital would eventually lead to a conflict between rich and the poor and finally to the overthrow of capitalist ideals.
In result, communism would replace capitalism. Richard Quinney, supporting the Marxist ideology alleged that capitalist State was creating a criminalogenic society and there was need to replace it by socialist society in which people’s socio-economic rights would be more safe and secure and this would surely lead to reduction in crime.
According to him, criminal law in a capitalist regime is an instrument of the State and ruling class to perpetuate the capitalist social and economic order and it is meant for the protection of their interests. Under these circumstances, the poorer sections of society remain oppressed through the coercion of legal system and their discontentment generates crimes. It is only with the collapse of capitalistic society that the problem of criminality can be solved.
The Marxists, however, differ in their view regarding the effect of economic conditions on criminality. In their opinion the two vary in inverse proportion. This view has, however, been refuted on the ground that despite constant economic progress throughout the world during the past 150 years the crimes are constantly recording an upward trend.
The real cause for rise in crime rate with economic prosperity is perhaps the capacity of people to spend more in manipulating escape from arrest and detection. That apart, quite a large number of crimes go undetected and unreported for want of lack of initiative on the part of victim in getting the offender prosecuted or due to the manipulative tactics of the criminal.
White collar crimes such as bribery, corruption, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, counterfeiting, racketeering, etc. often go undetected on the strength of money and wealth. The present socio-political conditions have created a peculiar situation wherein crimes are bound to be rampant whether the economic conditions are favourable or unfavourable.
Pointing out the interaction of economic conditions on delinquency, Hermann Mannheim observed that excluding the traffic offences, the criminal law administrators have to devote almost three-fourth of their time and attention in dealing with economic crimes. This amply demonstrates that economic factors contribute to delinquent behaviour directly or indirectly.
Dr. Morrison, made a comprehensive study on the relationship between economic conditions and crime in India. He observed that there was a peculiar undercurrent of economic soundness in Indian caste system where every member of the caste could find himself completely safe and secure from the economic standpoint.