Here is your Essay on Growth of Limnology in India!
Hora (1930) studied ecology, binomics and evolution of the torrential fish fauna with special reference to the organs of attachment. In the year 1947, Hora recorded the zoogeographical distribution of torrential fish.
Pruthi (1933) reported seasonal changes in the physical and chemical conditions of the water in the tank in Indian Museum compound. Ray and Chakravarthy (1934) studied lunar periodicity in the conjugation of Conchophtherius lamellidiens.
Hutchinson (1937) made certain limn logical studies in Tibet. Philipose (1940) studied ecology and seasonal succession in a permanent pool at Madras city. In the year 1959, Philipose made observations on the ecology of fresh water phytoplanktons of Inland fisheries.
Ganapati (1941, 1943, and 1947) made divergent limn logical investigations on the freshwater ponds of Madras City. Banerjea and coworkers (1954-1970) studied limnology of various fish ponds of India.
Chacko and Krishanamoorthy (1954) studied ecology of planktons of three freshwater ponds of Madras City. Biewas and Calder (1955) made floral study on certain common water and marsh plants of India and Burma. Mitra (1955, 1966) studied audiology of certain aquatic plants such as Limnanthemum cristatum, L. indicum and Hydrilla verticillata.
Das and Shrivastava (1955- 1959) studied the limnology of various freshwater ponds of Luck- now. Das and Moitra (1955) worked on the feeding ecology of some common fishes of U.P. and classified them into surface feeders, mid feeders, and bottom feeders.
Mitra and coworkers (1956, 1965) worked on feeding ecology of the Indian major carp fry. Alikunhi (1956) made certain ecological observations such as fecundity on Labeo bata. Singh (1956) studied limnological relations of Indian inland waters with special reference to algal blooms. Das (1959-1967) studied ecological effects of micronutrients, vitamin B12, density, etc., on the Indian freshwater carps.
George (1961-1966) made ecological observations on the physico-chemical nature of water and zooplanktons and rotifers of certain shallow ponds of Delhi. Subhramanyam (1962) published a monograph on certain common aquatic angiosperms of India.
Saigal et al., (1962) studied ecology of Mystus seenghala of Ganga river system. Bhatt etal (1963) reported mineral contents of freshwater and freshwater organisms of Kalyan, Kolhapur and Jaduguda areas. Michael (1964) studied limnology of planktons and macro- fauna of a freshwater pond of West Bengal.
Sreenivasan (1964) studied hydrology of tropical impoundment, Bhavanisagar Reservoir, Madras state for the years 1956-1961. In 1968, Sreenivasan undertook the studies on the limnology of two upland impoundments of Nilgiris of Madras state. Banerjee and Raychoudhury (1966) worked out the physico-chemical nature of Chilka Lake of Orissa.
Krishnamurthy (1966) made preliminary studies on the macro- fauna of the Tungabhadra Reservoir. Verma (1967) studied diurnal variation in a fish pond in Seoni. Vasisht (1968) made limn logical studies of Sukhana Lake, Chandigarh.
Jha (1968) worked out ecology of a pond ecosystem of Banaras. Moitra and Bhowmik (1961) studied seasonal cycles of rotifers in a freshwater fish pond in Kalyani, West Bengal. David (1969) studied limnology and fishery of the Tungabhadra reservoir. Nayar (1970) studied ecology of rotifer populations of two ponds at Pilani, Rajasthan.
Khan and Siddiqui (1970-1974) investigated the diurnal and seasonal variations in the limnlogical features of a perennial fish moat of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Kaul (1971) studied the production and ecology of some macrophytes of Kashmir lakes. Patnaik (1971) worked on the seasonal abundance and distribution of benthos of Chilka Lake, Orissa.
Ganapati (1972) compared the organic production of various types of aquatic ecosystems of India. Kant and Kachroo (1975) recorded the diurnal changes in the temperature and pH of water and diurnal movement of planktons in Dal Lake of Shrinagar.
Pillai and Sreenivasan (1975) estimated the carbon and nitrogen status of some lakes, reserviors and ponds of Tamil Nadu. Gupta (1976) studied the limnology of macro benthic fauna of Loni reservoir of Rewa of Madhya Pradesh.
Sreenivasan (1977) studied the limnology and fisheries of Tirmoorthy reservoir, Tamil Nadu. Rao (1977) investigated the ecology of certain phytoplanktons such as diatoms, Euglenineae and Myxophyceae of three fresh water ponds of Hyderabad.