Much has already been written on the structure of culture. Culture is a very comprehensive term. It includes everything. It is very complex. Anthropologists have discussed the different structural parts of culture, among them; perhaps, Herskovits’ description on cultural structure and cultural dynamics is very illuminating and interesting.
When we study culture we find that its unity is made up of several components. In considering any individual way of life, we must see it as a whole, that is, more than the sum of its parts, but when we analyze human social behaviour, we may isolate form or pattern from meaning, and action from sanction.
We may describe in minute detail the structure of a building, tell how it is made, by whom, and of what materials, and thus have an assemblage of traits whose distribution can be traced without the slightest reference to their functioning.
The structure of culture can be seen in its various parts traits, complexes, patterns and culture area. Whatever may be the culture whether of a tribal group or a group residing in a metropolitan city it always has got some structure, some composition. The parts of the culture are always identifiable.
Their functioning is such that they make the whole culture workable. An analysis of the various parts of the culture helps the researcher to arrive at a conclusion about the organization of a society.