Since the days of earliest known civilisation man has been found to have an eternal quest to find more and more new things. We are, today, living in an age of science. Great discoveries and inventions are taking place every day. Science helps man to manufacture all things useful to him, from a pin to a jet plane. Man’s labour is simplified, his comforts increased and his powers strengthened by such inventions of science. Man is now the master on land, on sea and in air.
Among the modern marvels let us first take up the aeroplane. It enables us to travel hundreds of miles in a few hours. It carries mails quicker than the train or the steamer. We are all familiar with examples of doctors who take the earliest flight to rush to distant places to save the lives of their patients. The aeroplane has been used to fight the locust pest that destroys the crops in the fields.
Nowadays it is also adopted for sowing seeds quickly over many acres of land. It is also useful to explorers in helping them to travel to places where other means of transport cannot be used. With the help of aeroplanes man has flown over the Everest, the highest peak, and with their help he has reached the Poles. In war, it is used as a deadly weapon of destruction.
The radio is yet another marvel. Sounds are transmitted over long distances without the helps of wires by electromagnetic waves.
Listener in Chennai can hear on his radio receiver the speeches made in the United Nations or in other great world assemblies. The radio has become very popular. News, music and other forms of entertainment from far-off countries can be heard on the radio. The radio can replace the teacher in the school to a certain extent. The children can enjoy the story hour, hear the news of the world and learn many things.
Besides entertainment, mass education on a large scale can be carried on by means of the radio. Fruitful contacts with foreign countries can also be established.
The improvised version of radio, to enable the audience to actually see the image of the person whom they hear, is called the television. It helps persons who are far away from their country not only to enjoy their national songs or concerts but also to see the artistes.
Thus, it makes one feel the separation from his motherland the less. Manufacturing processes, technical demonstrations and even lectures with experiments are being shown on the Television screen. Television has become a great powerful educative factor.
The talkies is another modern marvel; images projected on a screen act and converse like actors on the stage. The talkies is an improvement on the movie. It makes the cinema show more realistic, for we are not in the company of dumb shadows that flit across the screen.
The talkies had almost driven out the drama. The talkies machine would be very useful in our schools. Screen projections could be shown to the pupils to illustrate the lessons in their text books and also teach them new ideas which cannot find place in textbooks.
The list of modern inventions is exhaustive, for it embraces the whole sphere of human knowledge. The people of every country should benefit by modern inventions. But they should at the same time be determined not to use them for the destruction or disadvantage of others.