Ex-Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee said in an address to people through leading newspapers on December 25, 2003. “Just as the last two centuries were driven by coal and oil, it is my belief that the next century will belong to renewable.”
He also said, “Our expanding economy, and the strong growth expected in the next few decades, will require substantial addition to our energy generating capacity. “We can, indeed, come over energy crisis that we have been facing for quite long by reducing dependence on fossil fuels and focusing our attention on renewable energy sources. This we can do by expanding and diversifying our energy supply mix.
This shift towards renewable energy can provide a greater of national energy security and offer greater opportunity for sustainability as well as environmental and social responsibility.
Some of the important renewable energy sources can be listed in two main categories. The first system which may be called ‘Grid Connected System may involve wind power, small hydro power, Biomass/cogeneration power, urban and industrial waste power and solar photovoltaic power.
The second category system which may be captioned ‘Decentralized System’, may involve systems which come in close.’ touch of the common man such as biogas plants, night soil based biogas plants (Which may be community or institution-based improved chulhas, solar home lighting, solar street lighting, solar lanterns, SPV pumps, solar water heating, etc.
The use of renewable energy has been started in various forms at several places (number of which may expand in the near future such as Sunderbans, Ladakh, Bastar, North East, Bangalore Tirupati, Tirumale Devasthanam, etc.